12bet sports betting

How much can 12bet sports betting prices drop this month?
Source:Author:Time: 2024-10-16 09:00Viewed: 36 times

Although April 15th to May 24th,and August 24 to September 24,Bohai Rim ports experienced two consecutive rising prices,However, the weak 12bet sports betting demand this year has not been reversed,Every time the basic port rises, it breaks out after problems with the inventory structure,The short-term rise makes the 12bet sports betting appear prosperous,Some 12bet sports betting participants are optimistic about the 12bet sports betting outlook,But after the phased procurement ended, the 12bet sports betting quickly turned into a silent period,Enter the downturn mode again。

Comprehensive analysis,Affected by factors such as advance stockpiling by power plants and reduced daily consumption,October,The overall supply and demand relationship in the domestic thermal 12bet sports betting market is still relatively loose,The main body of 12bet sports betting demand in the market gradually changes from non-electricity to power plants。After National Day,There is still a little chemical industry、Building materials and other non-electricity industries continue to invite bidding and procurement,But smaller in size;And the civil electricity load has dropped,Reduction in power plant purchases,Downstream terminals are less enthusiastic about sending ships to pull 12bet sports betting ,Insufficient support from 12bet sports betting prices。

About to enter the "peak winter",However, coastal power plants mainly rely on Changxiehe imported 12bet sports betting to replenish their inventories,The demand for 12bet sports betting in Beigang market is rigid purchase,Support for the spot market gradually weakens。Considering that 12bet sports betting imports continue to remain at high levels,Domestic raw 12bet sports betting production has recovered year-on-year growth,And the inventory of each link is high,The supply side is relatively abundant,Estimated mid- to late-term,12bet sports betting prices will show a slight downward trend。October,Supported by the centralized repair of the Daqin Line and low port inventory,12bet sports betting price decline is limited,The market 12bet sports betting price is expected to drop from 870 yuan/ton at the beginning of the month to 850-855 yuan/ton at the end of the month。

Domestic supply,Production in Shanxi begins to increase,Some areas of production areas still emphasize increasing production and ensuring supply。"Golden Nine and Silver Ten" enters the second half,Non-electricity industry procurement is nearing completion,The end of October will usher in peak production again,The demand for 12bet sports betting in the non-electricity industry will weaken。"Summer at the Peak" has passed,After National Day,The weather is getting cooler,Reduced electricity load in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Fujian and other places,Daily consumption dropped significantly,There is basically a rigid demand for 12bet sports betting transportation in the market,Limited support for 12bet sports betting prices。In addition,Imported 12bet sports betting comes to disrupt the situation again,eroding domestic market share。7th,After the Daqin Line maintenance begins,The 12bet sports betting market tends to be weak in both supply and demand,No bright spots in 12bet sports betting prices。Because most power plants have been overhauled before the Daqin Line,Completed purchase and 12bet sports betting preparation ahead of schedule,Wait until maintenance begins,Deliberately reduced purchases,Resulting in a decrease in anchor ships at ports around the Bohai Sea。The market will usher in the later period: winter 12bet sports betting reserves,And the “peak winter” 12bet sports betting consumption peak;However, the main power plants are still mainly supplied by long-term cooperatives and imported 12bet sports betting ,Maintain rigid purchase of market 12bet sports betting ,No large-scale purchasing quotations。Since the end of September,Although the national macroeconomic expectations continue to improve、Non-electricity demand is stable and improving,But from policy to actual market demand,It will take some time,I am afraid that the start of market demand will have to wait until the recovery of real industrial power consumption。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos 12bet sports betting Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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