12bet mobile app

12bet mobile app prices will bottom out and stabilize next week
Source: Ordos 12bet mobile app NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-10-18 08:05Viewed: 71 times

The market has cooled down after the holiday compared with before the holiday,Most traders choose to wait and see as the situation remains unclear,Limited demand for transportation,Ore sales are mostly based on long-term contract transportation,12bet mobile app prices are generally stable but declining。After the long holiday,Thermal power plant power generation has recovered slightly,Daily consumption increased slightly;But affected by the decline in residential electricity load,The daily consumption of the power plant has only returned to 75% of the normal level,Some power plants have started building warehouses,Maintain a small amount of 12bet mobile app transportation in the market。

This week,Bohai Rim port trading activity is not high,Traders’ quotations dropped by 5 yuan/ton around the index,Downstream demand lowers price and counteroffers,Scarce transactions。Recent,Huzhou Railway Bureau increases discount,Additional transfer of Tanghu line,Inventories at Caofeidian’s four ports increased;Qin Port is affected by the shipping closure,Inventory also rebounded。And downstream demand is weak,The number of ships dispatched is very small,There are few anchor ships in ports around the Bohai Sea;In addition,Imported 12bet mobile app continues to pour into the domestic market,It is difficult to turn around the price of 12bet mobile app in ports around the Bohai Sea。The Daqin Line is in the autumn maintenance period,Average daily transportation volume 1 million tons,The Tanghu Line ships an average of 250,000 tons per day,Port transfer volume continues to fluctuate at the mid-range level。The daily consumption of the power plant has dropped sharply,Inventory levels returned to high levels for the same period,Basically able to meet 12bet mobile app demand in off-season,There is not much pressure to replenish the library;Superimposed 12bet mobile app price decline remains unchanged,The downstream mentality of waiting and slowing down mining is strong,Insufficient number of ships sent,Port transfer volumes fell to mid-to-low levels,The overall amount is not even as high as the transferred amount,Bohai Rim port inventories have stopped falling and rebounded。

According to data from the General Administration of Customs,September,my country imported 12bet mobile app up to 47.58 million tons,An increase of 1.74 million tons compared with August,Follow this progress,Imported 12bet mobile app exceeded 5 this year.300 million is a high probability。Currently,The price of imported 12bet mobile app still has a price advantage ranging from 20-65 yuan/ton compared with domestic 12bet mobile app ,Following import volume will remain at a high level,Having a strong impact on the domestic 12bet mobile app market and 12bet mobile app prices。The 12bet mobile app market has obvious off-season characteristics,12bet mobile app prices are still dominated by the following behavior,The terminal is in "Storage 12bet mobile app upgrade"、Under the background of "sunset",The wait-and-see sentiment is heating up,The pace of 12bet mobile app pulling has slowed down。At the same time,Fei Electric has already finished preparing materials,The actual consumption is basically realized,Procurement demand has also weakened,The number of ships in the port anchorage dropped to a historically low level。

Currently,The market is weak,The power plant has ample 12bet mobile app reserves,Insufficient motivation for downstream proactive stocking and purchasing,Weak willingness to rent a ship to haul 12bet mobile app 。There are indeed many favorable macro policies,But it will take time to spread to the industry,Building materials、The fundamental improvement of non-electricity industries such as steel is very limited;Especially the demand recovery in the cement industry is far less than expected,Partial shutdown projects are still increasing,And the connection between old and new projects is not smooth,Demand for market 12bet mobile app continues to be low,It is difficult to increase the market pallet,The market remains weak。But the shipping cost supports it,12bet mobile app prices have no room to fall,The market is slowly declining;Estimated around next Wednesday,Port 12bet mobile app prices bottom out,Gradually stabilizing and leveling off。(This article is exclusively reported by Ordos 12bet mobile app Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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