12bet online betting website

Is 12bet online betting website price going to collapse? Seller speeds up shipment
Source: Ordos 12bet online betting website NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-10-13 09:00Viewed: 21 times

After the holiday,12bet online betting website prices fell in response,But the decline is not big,It is a slow downward trend。Currently,Bad market、The main reason why 12bet online betting website prices are unsupported is demand。Because the long round of replenishment before the holiday has been completed,It rains frequently in the north during the National Day,The temperature in many southern provinces dropped to the lowest since the beginning of autumn,Resulting in a significant reduction in the daily consumption of the power plant and still declining slowly,The 12bet online betting website stored in the factory can basically meet the demand,Low enthusiasm for market 12bet online betting website purchasing,Mainly maintain the fulfillment of long-term agreements。At the same time,After centralized replenishment in non-electricity industries,Procurement demand has also weakened。

End of summer replenishment comes to an end,As the temperature drops from north to south of the Yangtze River,Some power plants start off-season unit maintenance,Reduced procurement and transportation,Downstream non-electricity industry procurement on demand,Anchored ships at Bohai Rim ports are at a low level;Among them,The number of anchor ships in Qinang was once reduced to 8。Although the Daqin Line has entered the "skylight period",But the downstream is also in a dormant period,Purchase on hold,Low supply and demand in 12bet online betting website market。Some traders are not optimistic about the market outlook,After speeding up the sale,Stay wait-and-see on the market。During the holidays,The daily consumption of power plants in eight coastal provinces once dropped to 1.53 million tons,After the holiday,Enterprise resumes work,Daily consumption increased to 1.8-1.9 million tons,But it is much lower than the peak in summer。The daily consumption of power plants has been significantly reduced,Start passive base library,12bet online betting website stocks in power plants in eight coastal provinces have risen to 40 million tons,The inventory in the factory can basically meet the demand。Recent,Some coastal power plants increase the purchase quantity of imported 12bet online betting website ,And maintain the long-term association to pull luck,The enthusiasm for purchasing 12bet online betting website in the domestic market is not good。Currently,The outsourcing price of large groups is stable,The delivery prices of some power plants in Weiqiao have been slightly reduced;Metallurgy、No bright spots in non-electrical industries such as chemical industry,Maintain rigid demand for 12bet online betting website in the market,Procurement weakens。

This week,In Bohai Rim ports,The market trading atmosphere is deserted,Inquiries from downstream customers are rare,A small amount of urgently needed purchases are mainly based on price reduction and counteroffers,Few transactions。The actual demand of downstream customers is limited,Most sellers are more willing to make profits and ship goods,Traders are losing ground in their quotations。Mid to late,Coastal power plants replenishment pressure eases,Basically relying on long-term cooperation and imported supplements can meet the safety of unit operation in the off-season,Northern power plant winter storage procurement will also come to an end,The demand for 12bet online betting website purchase at power terminals is decreasing。In addition,It will take time from the introduction of macro policies to the implementation of micro policies,Domestic real estate and infrastructure investment is still difficult to recover quickly。

Expectations for the market outlook,Currently,Civil electricity load drops,The non-electricity industry has poor start-up conditions,Demand remains flat;And the supply is generally good,Imported 12bet online betting website continues to pour into the domestic market,The power plant keeps building warehouses,It is expected that 12bet online betting website prices will still have room for decline in the short term。Mid to late October,Demand from downstream users continues to be sluggish,It is difficult to see a significant improvement in the off-season for 12bet online betting website consumption,In the later period, 12bet online betting website prices will still be dominated by the following behavior;Estimated this month,Port 12bet online betting website price drops around 15 yuan/ton。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos 12bet online betting website Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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