12bet casino

Can 12bet casino prices stop falling and stabilize, will there be a rebound?
Source: Ordos 12bet casino NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-10-21 11:39Viewed: 72 times

Currently,12bet casino market operates weakly and stably,Pit entrance procurement and sales are normal,Downstream demand is weak,Mainly focusing on long-term cooperation,Quotations from some production areas have slightly dropped。Bohai Rim ports,Weak demand,Delivery is deserted,Maintain weak stable operation;But supported by high costs,The market price of 12bet casino is a bit unstable。Downstream terminal daily consumption is low,Superimposed import shock,The buyer has a wait-and-see attitude;After the 12bet casino price fell to 856 yuan/ton,Traders’ reluctance to sell appears,Strong price awareness。

Bohai Rim ports,The daily consumption of terminal power plants has dropped significantly,Downstream procurement demand drops,The market trading atmosphere is deserted and stalemate。The speculation of positive macroeconomic expectations has weakened,12bet casino prices have almost been “returned to their original shape”,The market is before the heating load is lifted,Still in the off-season for 12bet casino consumption。This week,The market still maintains a weak and volatile trend。But the market shipment is upside down,There is no large warehouse at the port yet;Some traders have certain expectations for winter storage demand,Not willing to ship at low prices,Prompt the port 12bet casino price to fall to around 856 yuan/ton, there is support。12bet casino prices stop falling and stabilize next week,Some 12bet casino types may experience a slight increase of 1-2 yuan/ton。Because there are too few positive factors,Limited support for 12bet casino prices,Mainly relying on traders’ emotional support to support prices。Therefore,Even next week,Port 12bet casino prices are rising,The increase is also very limited,The rising time is short,There is a high probability that it is just "two days of happiness" or "three days of happiness"。

This week,Despite the temperature drop in East China,But the high temperature in South China is still rising,The daily consumption of the power plant remains at a certain level。In addition,The phenomenon of upside down shipments from origin has not been alleviated,Market households’ shipping enthusiasm has not improved,Influence the market 12bet casino collection port,It is difficult to significantly increase high-quality resources。Buyers and sellers report、The counteroffer gap is obvious,A small number of transactions are mainly low-price spot goods。Currently,With the two-way supplement of Changxie 12bet casino and imported 12bet casino ,Terminal power plant inventory is relatively sufficient,The daily consumption of superimposed thermal 12bet casino continues to decline,Short-term power plant demand is difficult to improve。But,It is currently October in the golden autumn,Multiple policies come together,The macroeconomic situation is expected to continue to stabilize and improve,The "Silver Ten" and "Winter Peak" are both peak seasons for 12bet casino demand,The market is not entirely pessimistic。First,Although it is in the traditional off-season for 12bet casino consumption,However, many policies have been launched recently,Positive factors are accumulating faster,The macroeconomic situation is expected to develop stably and for the better。Secondly,Electricity consumption and power plant daily consumption are slowly recovering,Increased demand for 12bet casino reserves in winter,Hydropower and photovoltaic output are gradually declining,Imported 12bet casino prices soar,Supported by multiple factors such as rising oil prices,There is no possibility of a sharp drop in 12bet casino prices。Again,Affected by the shipping cost inversion,12bet casino stocks in the Bohai Rim port market decrease;Once demand increases,12bet casino prices at Bohai Rim ports will soon stop falling and stabilize。Fourth,The market 12bet casino price in winter is generally higher than the lowest price in summer,As the temperature drops,Heating load increased,The market is slowly improving,12bet casino prices may stop falling。But subject to high inventory constraints,12bet casino prices will never rise sharply in winter。(This article is exclusively reported by Ordos 12bet casino Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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