12bet online betting website

12bet online betting website prices enter slow decline mode
Source:Author:Time: 2024-10-11 08:27Viewed: 26 times

After the holiday,12bet online betting website prices fell in some areas of Hang Hau,Some 12bet online betting website mine prices have been reduced by 10-20 yuan,Traders in the origin are waiting to see how the winter storage replenishment will be in the middle and late months of this month,Waiting for opportunity。Decreasing daily consumption in power plants,When industrial electricity is temporarily unable to take over the "baton",Buyers are unable to purchase,Traders at the port who are anxious to ship goods begin to reduce prices for shipments,Port 12bet online betting website prices naturally enter a slow decline mode。

During holidays,The temperature drops,Power plant daily consumption drops,The daily consumption of power plants in eight coastal provinces dropped below 2 million tons,The daily consumption of the six major coastal power plants has dropped to 850,000 tons。The downstream phased replenishment had come to an end before September 25th,Therefore,After the holiday,Market transactions are relatively deserted,Continuous game between buyers and sellers,The transaction is difficult。With the further decline in daily consumption of coastal power plants,The power plant starts passive storage。This week,The trading atmosphere in the Bohai Rim port market is deserted,12bet online betting website prices stabilize,Traders’ quotations have not changed much。But the market is mostly on the sidelines,Downstream users are waiting for price reduction,It is expected that 12bet online betting website prices may fall。Although the maintenance of the Daqin Line has begun,Daily shipping volume dropped from 1.2 million tons to 1 million tons,But demand has also turned into a downturn,There are few ships bringing 12bet online betting website to the port,Empty berths appear in some ports,Market supply and demand are both low,12bet online betting website prices enter slow decline mode。

Judging from the 12bet online betting website storage at the port,12bet online betting website storage in the eight ports around the Bohai Sea is 310,000 tons lower than the same period last year,But there are fewer anchor boats than the same period last year。Last year,12bet online betting website prices started to rise in mid-August,rising to October 10th,It lasted for two months,12bet online betting website price increased by 240 yuan/ton;And this year,The market is far less optimistic than the same period last year。The quantity of imported 12bet online betting website is larger this year,The quantity of Beigang 12bet online betting website transported by domestic power plants is much less,There are even fewer 12bet online betting website purchases from the market。After the festival this year,Ended early due to downstream procurement,Affected by factors such as the large influx of imported 12bet online betting website into the airport,12bet online betting website prices only rose for a month,There is a stagflation and a fall,This is also reasonable。

Market participants have different expectations for the market outlook。Some traders think,From a fundamental perspective,Civil electricity load drops,The non-electricity industry, which focuses on market 12bet online betting website , has been slow to boost,causing low demand,Insufficient support from 12bet online betting website prices;However, favorable macro factors continue to increase,National policies to stimulate consumption are gradually introduced,It has a boosting effect on non-electricity industries,But the help to 12bet online betting website prices has not yet been revealed;Once non-electricity procurement breaks out,12bet online betting website prices may still rebound。But some traders are not optimistic about the market outlook,They think,At high 12bet online betting website prices,Against the backdrop of cooling market sentiment,Downstream users’ inquiries about goods and prices are deserted,The daily consumption of power plants has dropped significantly;Procurement in the non-electricity industry remains in urgent need,Actual demand is limited,And the acceptance of high-priced spot goods is limited,12bet online betting website prices will be weak in the future。Analysis by the author,The slow rise in 12bet online betting website prices after the holiday is expected,But subject to high cost、Supported by winter 12bet online betting website reserves and other factors,12bet online betting website price decline this month is limited。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos 12bet online betting website Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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