12bet mobile app

12bet mobile app prices will continue to rise slowly next week
Source: Ordos 12bet mobile app NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-09-01 08:05Viewed: 272 times

Traders’ quotations increased slightly,The quotations for a small number of high-quality resources are too high;Downstream rigid inquiries have increased,But the price acceptance is slowly increasing;Buyer and buyer are in stalemate,The actual number of transactions is not large,However, the center of gravity of the overall transaction price has moved slightly upward。Rainfall in main producing areas affects shipping,Traders are not very enthusiastic about shipping,Bohai Rim port inventories are stable。Some power plants replenish their stocks in late summer,Superimposed Northeast Winter Reserve、Non-power 12bet mobile app preparations bring positive signals to the market,However, it is affected by limited increase in demand and competition from imported 12bet mobile app ,12bet mobile app price increase in autumn is limited。Expected next week,The port market will continue to maintain a stable but strong operation,But the increase in 12bet mobile app prices is very limited。

Increased purchases due to downstream rigid needs,12bet mobile app , especially high-quality resources, are scarce in the port market,Shipping cost upside down,Daily consumption is still high and other factors affect,Port traders’ sentiment to support prices increases。Towards the end of the month,Some terminals release a small amount of rigid demand,Mainly 12bet mobile app for cement and chemical industry,Market sentiment improves,Traders began to tentatively increase port 12bet mobile app prices,Few spot transactions。But the power plant inventory is still sufficient,A small amount of periodic rigid demand may have limited support for 12bet mobile app prices,Most traders are waiting for price increases、Ship at the same time,Traders with only some high-quality resources continue to hold back their goods。Due to the slow destocking mode of Bohai Rim ports,It is difficult to find suitable sources of goods,Demand for some high-quality 12bet mobile app types forced to increase prices。

As autumn deepens,The temperature in the north has dropped,Resident electricity demand weakens;The South is encountering the "Autumn Tiger",Daily consumption of coastal power plants remains high。High temperature continues to support 12bet mobile app demand,Power plant inventory and 12bet mobile app storage days decreased,Overlay some non-electricity industry entry inquiries,Promoted the rise in 12bet mobile app prices。Market,Rising shipping costs and resource shortages have boosted traders’ price support sentiment,12bet mobile app prices increased by 4-5 yuan/ton this week。The decline in power plant inventories has prompted some power plants to start restocking,Especially small and medium-sized power plants tend to purchase imported 12bet mobile app and Ergang 12bet mobile app ,If you need small quantity, go to Beigang for inquiry,Driving market recovery。Meanwhile,Structural shortage in Bohai Rim ports,It is difficult to purchase high-quality low-sulfur 12bet mobile app at low prices;But the downstream demand is average,Weak support for 12bet mobile app prices。Next week,12bet mobile app prices are rising,But the increase is very small;Can the market enthusiasm continue in the later period,Need to pay attention to the inventory of downstream power plants、Daily consumption change,And non-electricity procurement and material preparation status。

This week,The port market trend is stable but strong,Quotations of low-sulfur and high-quality 12bet mobile app are high and firm,The center of gravity of transaction prices rises slowly。Downstream still mainly purchases rigid needs,Limited acceptance of 12bet mobile app prices,The market lacks strong support;However, the structural shortage problem is difficult to solve in the short term,The price will still be volatile。Expected next week,Some power plants start phased replenishment,Superimposed "Gold Nine Silver Ten" is coming,Recovery of operating rates in non-electricity industries,Hydropower output weakened,The market will slowly improve,12bet mobile app prices continue to rise slowly。(This article is exclusively reported by Ordos 12bet mobile app Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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