12bet casino

Traders fear that “rejoicing in vain” will make it difficult for 12bet casino prices to rise this month
Source: Ordos 12bet casino NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-10-10 09:00Viewed: 16 times

October,The overall supply and demand relationship in the domestic thermal 12bet casino market is still relatively loose,The main body of 12bet casino demand in the market is gradually shifting from non-electricity industries to power plants。After National Day,There are still some chemical industries、Building materials and other non-electricity industries continue to purchase,But due to the decline in civil electricity load,Reduction in power plant purchases,Downstream enthusiasm for sending ships to pull 12bet casino has declined,12bet casino price support is insufficient。It’s worth noting,It is during the maintenance period of Daqin Line,There is not much 12bet casino collection port capacity in the Bohai Rim port market,The market tends to balance supply and demand。Preliminary judgment,This month,Port 12bet casino prices stabilized first and then fell,Shocking trend。

About to enter the "peak winter" stage,However, coastal power plants mainly rely on Changxiehe imported 12bet casino to replenish their inventories,The demand for 12bet casino in Beigang market is rigid purchase;After the Daqin Line maintenance begins,Downstream terminals gradually reduce the number of spot shipments,Weakened support for the market。Considering that 12bet casino imports continue to remain at high levels,Domestic raw 12bet casino production will recover year-on-year growth,And the inventory of each link is high,The supply side is relatively abundant,12bet casino prices are expected to stabilize first and then fall,Small drop。

First,Supply increase,Decrease in demand。Domestic supply,Production in Shanxi begins to increase。At the same time,Some areas of production areas still emphasize increasing production and ensuring supply,And "Gold Nine Silver Ten" enters the second half,Non-electricity industry procurement is nearing completion,Off-peak production will be ushered in again at the end of October,The demand for 12bet casino in the non-electricity industry will weaken。"Summer at the Peak" has passed,After National Day,The weather is getting cooler,Reduced electricity load in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Fujian and other places,Daily consumption dropped significantly,There is basically a rigid demand for 12bet casino transportation in the market,Limited support for 12bet casino prices。

Secondly,Imported 12bet casino remains high,Seize market share。Indonesia、Russian 12bet casino 、Australian 12bet casino 、Mongolian 12bet casino 、Ge 12bet casino and others poured into the domestic market in large quantities;Imported 12bet casino has obvious price advantages over domestic 12bet casino 。Domestic users are more accepting of imported 12bet casino ,Import power is strong,The quantity of imported 12bet casino remains at a high level,Form a strong supplement to domestic 12bet casino supply,October,Power plants speed up replenishment of supplies,Reduced demand for domestic market。

Again,Daqin Line maintenance begins,The 12bet casino market tends to be weak in both supply and demand,12bet casino prices are unlikely to improve。Most power plants are before the Daqin Line maintenance on October 7,Purchase and 12bet casino preparation completed in advance,Wait until the Daqin Line maintenance begins,The power plant deliberately reduced purchases,Cause after the holiday,There are not many anchor ships in ports around the Bohai Sea。

Fourth,Substantial demand still needs to be observed。Fourth Quarter,Will usher in: 12bet casino reserve for winter,And the “peak winter” 12bet casino consumption peak;However, the main power plants are still mainly supplied by long-term cooperation and imported 12bet casino ,Market 12bet casino remains strictly needed to be purchased,No large-scale purchasing quotations。Since the end of September,Although the national macroeconomic expectations continue to improve、Non-electricity demand is stable and improving,But from policy to actual market demand,Still needs to be observed,The start of market demand may have to wait until the recovery of real industrial power consumption。Before the holiday,Active terminal procurement,More stocking,If there is no obvious release of demand in the short term,12bet casino prices are expected to fall。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos 12bet casino Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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