12bet online betting website

Port 12bet online betting website prices rose slightly this week. How will the market judge later?
Source: Ordos 12bet online betting website NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-08-31 08:05Views: 220 times

Maintaining stable operation of the Bohai Rim port market,Most traders have strong price support sentiment,Reluctant to ship at low price,Downstream demand is average,Purchasing at a lower price,Deal deadlock。As autumn deepens,Northern residents’ demand for electricity weakens,The South is encountering the "Autumn Tiger",Daily consumption of coastal power plants continues to remain high。Due to the exhaustion of high-quality stock in power plants,Some terminals have a small number of pickups and requests to improve the 12bet online betting website structure,Release a certain amount of bidding and procurement。

Recent,The range and intensity of high temperatures in the south have decreased,The temperature in the north drops below 30 degrees Celsius,But East China、The temperature in southern China is still high,The sultry feeling of summer still exists,The daily consumption of power plants in the eight coastal provinces remains at a relatively high level of around 2.37 million tons,Inventory decreased by 2.31 million tons compared with the same period last year,The number of days of 12bet online betting website storage is 2 lower than the same period last year.1 day。This week,Port 12bet online betting website price has increased by about 5 yuan/ton。Due to poor judgment on market trends and 12bet online betting website price increases,Reduced shipments from traders;Increase of superimposed inquiries,Resulting in structural shortages in ports around the Bohai Sea,It is especially difficult to purchase high-quality low-sulfur 12bet online betting website at low prices。But the downstream demand is average,Low motivation for purchasing,Weak support for 12bet online betting website prices。This round of 12bet online betting website prices is expected to rise slowly,The increase in 12bet online betting website prices requires attention to the upstream and downstream destocking and demand release。Market,Rising shipping costs and resource shortages have boosted traders’ price support sentiment,12bet online betting website prices rose this week。The current power plant inventory and 12bet online betting website storage days are low,And high temperature continues to support 12bet online betting website demand,All major 12bet online betting website price indexes also increased,The increase has basically remained at an average daily level of 1-2 yuan/ton。The decline in power plant inventories has prompted some power plants to actively replenish their inventories,Among them,The main power plant in the south focuses on Changxiehe imports,Some small and medium-sized thermal power companies prefer Jiangnei 12bet online betting website and Beigang spot,Driving recovery in the domestic market。Can the 12bet online betting website market continue to improve,The key lies in the replenishment rhythm of the power plant,As well as the rebound in the operating rate of non-electricity industries and the impact of hydropower output during the "Golden Nine and Silver Ten" period。

This week,The autumn tiger still has its power,Power plant daily consumption remains high,12bet online betting website prices show phased stabilization;Downstream users replenish their libraries appropriately,The situation of more ships and less cargo in the coastal market has improved slightly,Supporting a slight increase in shipping prices。Weather forecast display,After September 12th,The temperature in East my country and South China generally drops below 30 degrees Celsius,The high temperature weather will be alleviated,The peak season is coming to an end,There is no possibility of future growth in 12bet online betting website consumption。But it has entered the peak production season of "Golden Nine and Silver Ten",The demand for materials preparation for non-electricity enterprises will be released,It may drive the market to continue to recover。

Currently,Reduction in railway shipments,And the amount of call-out increases,Bohai Rim ports continue to slowly destock;Traders cannot see the market trend clearly,Want to rise but fear to fall,Not very enthusiastic about stocking up。Late summer,Power plant replenishment is combined with Northeast winter storage expectations,Bring positive signals to the market;However, it is affected by limited increase in demand and competition from imported 12bet online betting website ,It is expected that the increase in 12bet online betting website prices in autumn will greatly reduce the discount,12bet online betting website price is expected to increase by 30-50 yuan/ton。(This article is exclusively reported by Ordos 12bet online betting website Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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