12bet casino

How will 12bet casino prices perform in the next four months of this year?
Source: Ordos 12bet casino NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-09-02 15:33Views: 438 times

This year,The domestic thermal 12bet casino market trend is really hard to understand,12bet casino prices fall when they should rise,Rise when it should fall。Review of market trends in the first half of the year,The market is relatively deserted before the Spring Festival,The prices of various 12bet casino types have been falling。After the Spring Festival,Affected by the lower than expected resumption of work and production,12bet casino prices only rose for three days,hurriedly entered the downward channel。Port 12bet casino prices have fallen until April 10,Falled to 813 yuan/ton and then stabilized and stopped falling;Affected by traders’ bargain hunting and increased inquiries,12bet casino prices increased from April 11 to May 24,12bet casino price rises to 885 yuan/ton。

June,The 12bet casino market enters the traditional 12bet casino storage stage of "summer peak",But because 12bet casino prices have finished rising in advance,The 12bet casino preparation for the power plant before summer has also been completed ahead of schedule,Resulting in a drop in demand in June。Therefore,12bet casino prices show a counter-seasonal downward trend,Until August 20th,Port 12bet casino price drops to 839 yuan/ton。Starting in late August,With the increase of inquiries,Superimposed decline in Bohai Rim port inventories,The 12bet casino market has improved significantly,The center of gravity of port 12bet casino prices slowly moves upward。September,The 12bet casino market is not pessimistic。First,Supply side,Although 12bet casino imports may still be at a high level,But the import growth rate will gradually slow down on the basis of a high base。With India、Increasing energy demand in Southeast Asia,The increase in imports from neighboring countries creates a diversion of international resources,In turn, it affects the quantity exported to our country。Secondly,Demand,Second half of the year,12bet casino demand is expected to improve。Further development of policies,The foundation for economic recovery is expected to be further stabilized。Double、Implementation of major initiatives such as the two new policies,Super long-term special treasury bonds、Investment within the central budget、Accelerate the construction of local government special bonds and government issuance of additional treasury bonds and other projects,12bet casino demand in non-electricity industries may gradually improve。Again,The next four months,The 12bet casino market will enter the traditional peak season。The 12bet casino market will usher in one after another: restocking at the end of summer、Non-electrical materials、Favorable factors such as 12bet casino reserves for winter;12bet casino consumption in power plants and non-electricity industries will increase,Market 12bet casino purchase volume is expected to grow。Fourth,Place of origin,Long term、High-intensity production safety inspections will continue,Influence the release of 12bet casino mine production capacity increase;12bet casino prices continue to fall,Small and medium-sized traders have reduced shipments。Due to a summer of consumption,12bet casino storage in most power plants has decreased,Some terminals have the desire to replenish their database。

September and October,The late summer replenishment and winter 12bet casino reserve times overlap,Downstream procurement gradually resumes,The market will gradually become more active。"Golden Nine and Silver Ten" period,Port 12bet casino price will climb from 840 yuan/ton to 880-900 yuan/ton,The highest 12bet casino price will appear at the end of September or early October。And winter is approaching,Terminal 12bet casino preparation ends,Non-electrical peak shifting production,12bet casino prices will fall from highs。Winter 11、December,Weakened by water and electricity,Heating load increased,Influenced by factors such as increased thermal power pressure,The market is not pessimistic;However, purchases in non-electricity industries decreased,The transportation of power plants is mainly based on long-term cooperation,The market turns sluggish again。Superposition of favorable and unfavorable factors,It is expected that the center of gravity of 12bet casino prices in winter will be slightly lower than that in autumn,But supported by shipping costs,There is no possibility of a sharp drop in port 12bet casino prices,It is expected to fluctuate between 850-870 yuan/ton,The center of gravity of 12bet casino prices is slightly higher than the lowest point in the summer (839 yuan/ton)。(This article is exclusively reported by Ordos 12bet casino Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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