12bet online betting website

12bet online betting website "take a break" This week, the main trend is to remain stable!
Source: Ordos Coal NetworkAuthor: Sun TingtingTime: 2024-05-29 08:50Views: 604 times

Last week,Bohai Rim port quotations show a strong overall trend,A weekly increase of 25 yuan/ton;But when the demand side is not released effectively,The price began to show a weak rise last Friday,12bet online betting website are stabilizing,The overall transaction situation is deserted。This week,The market has a strong wait-and-see sentiment,The trading atmosphere in Bohai Rim ports is deserted,Some quotations still remain strong。But the downstream procurement demand is weak,Trading continues to be deadlocked,Difficulties in closing the transaction。

This week,The port market remains stable for the time being,Domestic temperature rises slowly,The terminal power plant load is basically maintained at 50%-60%;Estimated for the second half of this week,12bet online betting website fell slightly。Supported by shipping costs,Imported coal is expensive,Overlaying expectations for a better market in summer,Main traders will continue to support prices。As the temperature rises in the south,Recovery of power plant daily consumption,The market will improve,12bet online betting website will return to the rising channel again in mid-to-late June。

Last week,The number of suspended coal mines increased due to the impact of safety inspections,brings about production capacity contraction;Superimposed "peak summer" is approaching,Power plant load rebounded slightly,Start to increase inventory appropriately,Release some requirements,Bohai Rim port market sentiment is improving,Consignors generally support the price,12bet online betting website start to rise。But,With 12bet online betting website rising too fast,Some downstream users find it difficult to accept,The advantage of superimposed imported coal reappears,causing domestic market sentiment to ebb,Port 12bet online betting website should take a break,Wait for user,12bet online betting website fell slightly this week。If the daily consumption of the power plant cannot explode for a long time,If it is slow to go to the library,Next week,Port 12bet online betting website may fall slightly by around 5 yuan/ton。This week,The precipitation range in the south decreases,The temperature has picked up;The maintenance period of some superimposed power plant units has ended,Daily consumption of power plants in eight coastal provinces has risen to more than 1.8 million tons。At the same time,"Peak Summer" is approaching,Some power plants appropriately purchase some high-calorie spot goods,for Tikka,The release of terminal procurement demand has increased;But because the inventory is too high,It is temporarily unable to drive up 12bet online betting website 。

This week,The dilemma of rising and falling 12bet online betting website ,The market is in a stable period;But looking forward to the later market,Not pessimistic。As the weather gets hotter,Civil electricity load is pulled up,The daily consumption of power plants will show a restorative growth。In addition,A series of new real estate policies have been introduced,Including: Optimizing purchase restriction policy、Adjust personal housing provident fund loan interest rates, etc.,Aims to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market;Policy implementation,Will promote the accelerated recovery of the real estate market。And drive the upstream and downstream of the industry chain to benefit together,Promote the development of cement and steel industries,Boost coal demand。Estimated mid-June,The coal market will become active again,12bet online betting website return to rising channel。

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