12bet mobile app

12bet mobile app price decline this week is limited
Source: Ordos 12bet mobile app NetworkAuthor: Wu JinglinTime: 2024-05-28 08:35Views: 615 times

Place of origin,12bet mobile app prices in main producing areas continue to rise,Affected by the inspection and the upcoming completion of monthly tasks at the end of the month,Kengkou suspension of production and reduction of production and increase of 12bet mobile app mines,Overall supply tightening。Metallurgy、Chemical and long-distance procurement is stable,Large group platform outsourcing implementation volume and price reward policy;Superimposed peak summer expectations,Platform、12bet mobile app plants and port traders are more enthusiastic about transporting goods,Quines for 12bet mobile app trucks are common in 12bet mobile app mines,Some 12bet mobile app mines are in short supply,The price continues to be optimistic。

Bohai Rim ports,Increase in port shipments,Price remains high;Started last Friday,Inquiries have decreased,12bet mobile app prices rise weakly,Reduced quotations for individual 12bet mobile app types。On the one hand,Continuous warehouses at Bohai Rim ports,Caofeidian Port is particularly tense due to the tight supply,There is difficulty in the port report menu。On the other hand,The previous futures source is profitable,Worried about the market falling in the future,Traders are more willing to ship。Monday,Market transaction activity is not high,High power plant inventory,Non-electricity has not yet exerted its power,Reduced inquiries and purchases。But before summer expectations are fully realized,Most traders have expectations for the market,Port 12bet mobile app prices are still fluctuating at high levels;Even if 12bet mobile app prices fall this week,The decline is also very limited。The market generally expects that the summer peak of electricity consumption is approaching,In addition to cost considerations,Traders maintain a strong willingness to raise prices,Resulting in limited quotation reduction。However,Downstream terminal procurement is mainly based on rigid needs,Highly sensitive to price,Some traders are facing shipping pressure,The actual support for 12bet mobile app prices weakens。

The prosperity of the origin market and tight supply support the stability of 12bet mobile app prices,It is difficult to see a sharp decline;But due to the recent rapid rise in 12bet mobile app prices,The daily consumption is low,Non-electricity demand has not yet been fully released,Especially the poor performance of power plant procurement,Overlay port inventory increase,Insufficient motivation for further increase in 12bet mobile app prices。But the author’s analysis,The 12bet mobile app market before summer is not pessimistic,Still the "big rise and small fall" pattern。First,The peak of summer is approaching,The power plant is preparing 12bet mobile app in a planned manner,Increase inventory appropriately。The temperature has generally increased in most parts of the country recently,The daily consumption of power plants has increased,Drive terminals to release some demand。Secondly,Macroeconomic expectations are improving,All projects to issue additional treasury bonds will start before the end of June,Non-electricity 12bet mobile app demand boosted,Market sentiment is optimistic。Again,The overall supply is tight this year,Demand is better than supply。However,The off-season has not passed yet,High 12bet mobile app storage in power plants,There is not much pressure to replenish the library;The advantages of superimposed imported 12bet mobile app reappear,It is almost impossible that the price of thermal 12bet mobile app at ports around the Bohai Sea will continue to rise。

Due to increased port inventory,Downstream demand has not really picked up yet,Southern hydropower output is gradually increasing,The number of port traders anxious to ship goods has increased significantly;But due to the high prices from downstream, there are not many receiving goods,Limited market transactions。Estimated this week,12bet mobile app prices in the port market will fall from a high level;But due to the improvement of the economy、Demand picks up,Superimposed on the positive expectations for summer and other factors,The decline in 12bet mobile app prices is expected to be limited。

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