12bet mobile app

How much can the price of 12bet mobile app rise in this round?
Source: Ordos 12bet mobile app NetworkAuthor: Wu MengTime: 2024-05-10 08:42Viewed: 492 times

March to early to mid-April,Subject to slower than expected growth in real estate and infrastructure investment,The impact of extremely weak 12bet mobile app demand in non-power industries,The number of ships in the eight anchorages around the Bohai Sea once dropped to a low level of about 40 ships。Although the power plant is running at high daily consumption,12bet mobile app demand in the power industry also exceeded expectations,But the power plant is supplemented by imports and long-term agreements,The quantity of 12bet mobile app in the purchasing market is limited;At this time,Non-electricity industry efficiency decline,Poor demand for 12bet mobile app 。Mid April,The transaction price of 5,500 kcal 12bet mobile app in the Bohai Rim port market fell to 813 yuan/ton。

Starting in late April,12bet mobile app inventories are low in the Bohai Rim port market,Affected by factors such as partial demand activation,12bet mobile app prices bottom out and rebound。Overlay this year,my country’s economic recovery、Energy consumption continues to grow,Social electricity consumption maintains year-on-year growth。And terminal power plants are expected to replenish their stocks during the peak summer season,Downstream demand still has potential to be released,Add a series to expand domestic demand、Policies and measures to stabilize growth are effective,my country’s macro economy will continue to rebound,The trading activity in the 12bet mobile app market has increased。Entering May,Except for the resumption of work and production in some non-electricity industries,Power companies need to stock up on goods for the “summer peak”,Power procurement has improved;In addition,The impact of safety supervision at the production site continues to exceed expectations,Exit of superimposed old 12bet mobile app mines,The growth rate of raw 12bet mobile app production throughout the year has slowed down;Traders are unable to ship,Railway deployment is satisfactory。Supply contraction ahead of peak demand season in the power industry,Amplify the contradiction between supply and demand in the market。12bet mobile app price of more than 800 yuan is relatively low year-on-year,Despite the reduction in railway freight,It will help alleviate shipping inversion;But when demand improves,The beneficiaries of this profit are naturally the sellers。

There are currently many factors supporting the rise of 12bet mobile app ,For example: Safety supervision in production areas is tightened,Limited production increase leads to decrease in 12bet mobile app supply,Imported 12bet mobile app is expensive,Prompting some users to shift their focus to the domestic market,Actively stock up before the peak of summer arrives,It will undoubtedly enhance the competitiveness of the domestic 12bet mobile app market。Of course,The most important thing is the implementation of major national policies,Introducing large-scale equipment updates and trade-in action plans for consumer goods as well as effective regulation of real estate。Also pay attention to important meetings in July,Measures to boost the economy are still being introduced。Preliminary analysis,The market demand this year will not be too bad,actually,The lowest point of 12bet mobile app prices has passed in mid-April。May,12bet mobile app prices are likely to show an N-shaped trend of “first rising, then falling, and then rising again”;The point at the end of May should be higher than today’s point,Port 12bet mobile app price is expected to rise to around 900 yuan/ton。June,Is 12bet mobile app price rising or falling,Need to be based on the daily consumption of the power plant、Non-electricity procurement,And comprehensive judgment on the impact of imported 12bet mobile app on the domestic market。Preliminary analysis,The center of gravity of 12bet mobile app prices in June is higher than that in May,Market demand will remain strong,But it is still difficult for 12bet mobile app prices to exceed 1,000 yuan。

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