12bet casino

12bet casino prices have risen a bit sharply and may stabilize later
Source: Ordos 12bet casino NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-05-09 08:50Views: 493 times

Before the holiday,Some terminals have released a small amount of rigid demand and short-filling order demand,Driving up 12bet casino prices。After the holiday,With the recovery growth of railway transportation volume,The originally relatively weak and balanced port supply and demand pattern has been broken。In addition,Some railway bureaus have reduced 12bet casino and railway freight rates,Greater discounts and more concentrated time,Further stimulate port shipments,Port inventories are slowly recovering,The structural tension in supply will also be alleviated。First half of this week,Port 12bet casino prices rise too fast,The downstream is a bit unable to connect;Estimated this weekend,Early next week at the latest,12bet casino prices stagnate and stabilize,Or fall back slightly,But there is still a possibility of rising in the future。

12bet casino off-season,Increase in downstream purchasing and hauling,prompted a slight increase in 12bet casino prices。The daily consumption of coastal power plants is around 1.8 million tons,But the overall level is still at the off-season level,Inventories continue to remain high and rise slowly,The number of days available for 12bet casino storage in the power plant is 19 days。Electricity consumption before summer、The peak period of 12bet casino consumption is approaching;But the inventory is high,With the blessing of superimposed long-term agreements and high redemption rate,The motivation for terminal replenishment is still not strong,Rarely purchase 12bet casino from the market,There are not many anchor ships in ports around the Bohai Sea。During the long holiday,It rains heavily in some areas in the south,Daily consumption once dropped to 1.71 million tons,Many terminals continue to maintain rigid purchases,The actual demand is average。After Labor Day,There is an increase in both 12bet casino supply and demand sides,But the Bohai Rim port inventory has not been lifted,Support 12bet casino prices to a certain extent。And wait until after the Bohai Rim ports build warehouses,Superimposed downstream procurement comes to an end,The market is gradually weakening,12bet casino stagflation stabilizes。Estimated for the second half of this week,Early next week at the latest,12bet casino prices will stagnate and stabilize,Transfer to volatile market,But there is still a possibility of rising in the second half of the year。

May,Shanxi Province is in the "looking back" period of the State Council Safety Committee's assistance and guidance on production safety in mines;Shaanxi Province from mid-April to the end of September,Carry out rectification activities for major safety production accidents and hidden dangers;Ordos carries out special rectification and improvement actions on production safety in key industries。Frequent and stricter inspections of 12bet casino mines in major production areas,The supply level of 12bet casino from origin will still be low。Russia announced: From May 1st to August 31st this year,Cancel export tariffs on thermal 12bet casino and anthracite,Significantly reduced 12bet casino import costs,Puts certain pressure on domestic 12bet casino prices。But,The most difficult moment for the 12bet casino market has passed,Economic growth continues to return to potential growth levels。The state’s additional treasury bond issuance project will start construction before the end of June,12bet casino and electricity consumption in various industries will increase,Demand will also be promising。

This week,As summer approaches,The daily consumption of power plants will increase and the demand for replenishment will gradually increase,The power of rising 12bet casino prices increases。However, there has been no significant increase in downstream demand,And the ability to accept high prices is limited,The actual transaction volume of 12bet casino in the market is too low;Power plants are particularly resistant to high prices,12bet casino prices are expected to stabilize soon after stagflation。

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