12bet online betting website

12bet online betting website prices will stabilize after a slight increase
Source: Ordos 12bet online betting website NetworkAuthor: Wu QianlinTime: 2024-05-07 09:01Views: 534 times

April,The decline in supply and demand in the 12bet online betting website market is narrowing,Domestic supply and demand remain relatively balanced。27-day maintenance of Daqin Line,Reduced the quantity of 12bet online betting website entering the port,Bohai Rim port inventories continue to run at low levels。At this time,The demand side is also very sluggish,Shou power plant unit maintenance、The impact of rigid transportation,The port market operates stably,12bet online betting website prices mainly fluctuate slightly。May,12bet online betting website supply gradually recovers,The daily consumption of power plants is also increasing,There is an increase in both supply and demand in the 12bet online betting website market;Estimated this week,Port 12bet online betting website prices stabilized after rising slightly。

During maintenance of Daqin Line,12bet online betting website transfer volume remains at an average daily level of 1 million tons,The transfer volume of Bohai Rim ports is close to the transfer volume,Promote more stable inventory in Bohai Rim ports。Under low daily consumption,Downstream power plants rely on long-term cooperation agreements and imported 12bet online betting website supplements,No need for large amounts of library replenishment。Due to lack of improvement in demand,The port market is in a weak trend of both supply and demand,12bet online betting website price remains at 820 yuan/ton and fluctuates within a narrow range。April 27,Daqin Line maintenance completed;However, it is affected by the tightening of safety supervision in production areas and the reduction of sales in some 12bet online betting website mines after completing their tasks,The freight volume of the Daqin Line has not been increased。Data display,In the seven days from April 28th to May 4th,The average daily shipment of the Daqin Line is only 1.1 million tons,Not reaching full capacity。Since most market participants predict industrial electricity consumption in May、Civil electricity consumption has improved,The market may recover,12bet online betting website prices may rise。Therefore,After May Day,Traders increase shipping efforts;The main 12bet online betting website mines are also actively fulfilling their long-term agreements,12bet online betting website mines that were suspended in the early stage have also increased their production and transportation,Prompted the daily transportation volume of the Daqin Line to increase to 1.25 million tons on May 5。

May,Domestic industrial enterprises are starting to improve、In the context of continued accumulation of marginal improvements in 12bet online betting website supply and demand,Market sentiment、Expected fix,Stimulated the release of some rigid needs,Highlight the structural support of the market,It will inevitably drive the market 12bet online betting website price to a moderate trend。The first week after the holiday,Despite the railway transfer and resumption,But there are also many ships arriving at the port,12bet online betting website storage in ports around the Bohai Sea is still at a low level。Traders actively raise prices,Supporting 12bet online betting website prices to remain strong。But because the increase in the Daqin Line has begun,Port slow base;12bet online betting website and railway freight rates have been reduced for some railway bureaus,Great discounts and concentrated time,Not only increases traders’ enthusiasm for shipping,It also weakens the support of shipping costs to port 12bet online betting website prices。After the Bohai Rim port inventory is accelerated,If downstream demand has not yet exploded,The structural tension in supply will be alleviated,Market support weakens,12bet online betting website prices may come under downward pressure。However, traders generally have expectations for the peak 12bet online betting website consumption during the "summer peak",Not strong willingness to ship at low prices。Even if 12bet online betting website prices fall under pressure,It is also a slow decline,No possibility of deep decline。

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