12bet mobile app

Has the lowest point in 12bet mobile app prices already appeared?
Source: Ordos 12bet mobile app NetworkAuthor: Guo XiaofangTime: 2024-05-06 08:42Views: 556 times

The 12bet mobile app market in April showed weak supply and demand,During the maintenance of Daqin Line,The power plant units are also undergoing maintenance,Port 12bet mobile app prices show a "fall、Up、Fall、rising” shock trend,The actual transaction price is stable between 810-840 yuan/ton,There was no sharp rise or fall。

April is the off-season for 12bet mobile app consumption,Traders learn lessons from last spring’s sharp drop in 12bet mobile app prices,Reduce 12bet mobile app hoarding,Control the rhythm,Mainly doing back-to-back sales;Superimposed Daqin Line maintenance period,The number of supply ports is too small。Therefore,Even if 12bet mobile app demand is bleak in April,But the supply is not much,12bet mobile app prices have not fallen sharply。In addition,The daily consumption of the power receiving plant is low、Affected by factors such as sluggish performance in non-electricity industries,12bet mobile app prices rise weakly,Port 12bet mobile app price is stable between 810-840 yuan/ton。

The May Day holiday is approaching,Some terminals replenish their libraries before the holiday,Increased market inquiries for goods and prices,Traders’ sentiment towards price increases。Last days of April,Affected by rising shipping costs and lack of tradable resources,The quotation is relatively strong。Some downstream customers are worried about price increases after the holidays and have begun pre-holiday replenishment purchases,The transaction situation has improved compared with before。It becomes more difficult for downstream buyers to purchase high-quality supply,The overall market is optimistic,The actual price of some low-sulfur 12bet mobile app is even higher than the index by 20 yuan/ton transaction。

Entering May,Power plant unit maintenance is coming to an end,Some early stocks dropped rapidly、Power plants that have not pulled in large amounts of 12bet mobile app to replenish their stocks have procurement needs;In addition,Part of chemical industry、Building materials and other non-electrical industries are actively preparing and purchasing materials,The 12bet mobile app market demand in May is not weak。It’s worth noting,Some traders and industry insiders previously predicted that 12bet mobile app prices would be close to the bottom in early to mid-May,There was no large amount of stocking up in April,Being waiting for the bottom of 12bet mobile app price。Superimposed on the recent tightening of security inspections,Production reduction in some 12bet mobile app mines,Decreased shipping,As a result, the sellers have very few goods。Before and after May Day,Sudden increase in demand,Traders were caught off guard,Under mismatch of supply and demand,12bet mobile app prices are rising。The market is still relatively optimistic after the holiday,Increased downstream inquiries,However, most of the sellers who have goods sold them at a loss in April,Because I am worried that it will fall again,Don’t dare to stock up on large quantities,There are not many resources available for circulation in the market。

The key factor that determines the rise and fall of 12bet mobile app prices is not supply,But demand。May,Demand picks up,But the transportation volume of the Daqin Line is not high,Bohai Rim ports enter destocking mode again。After Labor Day,First week,12bet mobile app prices have undoubtedly entered a rising channel。With the end of phased procurement,12bet mobile app prices may fall in the second week,But the decline is limited,It will definitely not fall below the lowest point in April (813 yuan/ton)。Then the market entered a volatile market,And late May or the end of May,Can the market explode as expected,Can 12bet mobile app prices enter the rising channel again,Need to pay attention to the procurement situation before the "peak summer" and the impact of imported 12bet mobile app on the domestic market。

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