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The decline in 12bet casino prices before the holiday is limited
Source: Ordos 12bet casino NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-10-01 09:05Viewed: 978 times

This month,With the National Day holiday and the autumn intensive maintenance of the Daqin Line approaching,Downstream terminals release replenishment requirements in stages,Resonates with the structural tightness of supply in the port market,12bet casino prices in coastal markets show a strong upward trend。Starts this Tuesday,Downstream users mainly wait and see,Port sentiment weakened slightly,Trader quotations are temporarily stable,The prices of individual 12bet casino types fell。Estimated before National Day,12bet casino price decline is limited。

First,Downstream is not very receptive to high prices,Reduced enthusiasm for traveling northward。But the supply of salable pallets in the port market is tight,And the high shipping costs at the port,Under the situation that subsequent supply supply is still difficult to replenish,The sentiment of price support in the Bohai Rim port market still exists。But as the market 12bet casino price rises to a periodic high,Superimposed downstream 12bet casino storage before the festival comes to an end,The terminal’s acceptance of 12bet casino prices has declined,The enthusiasm for sending ships north to haul transportation has obviously weakened。

Secondly,First and middle days,Continued high temperature in the south,Under the influence of factors such as the accelerated withdrawal of hydropower,The seasonal decline in daily thermal 12bet casino consumption along the coast has been significantly delayed,The process of power plant destocking has been accelerated。But,The recovery of demand in non-electricity industries is not as good as expected,The overall demand side release scale and sustainability will be limited;Superimpose imported 12bet casino to maintain volume and price advantage,And holiday effects,The coastal market that has been rising for a month has completely stalled。Coastal 12bet casino consumption shows seasonal decline,Insufficient driver of price increase。

Again,Start of this week,Strong cold air affects our country,Not only East China is cooling down,And the temperature in South China is also dropping rapidly。Late,Affected by the typhoon and the cold air heading south,The downward trend of daily consumption of coastal power plants is a foregone conclusion。Some power plant units have even begun to carry out off-season unit maintenance,Thermal 12bet casino consumption’s support for the market will be significantly weakened。In Bohai Rim ports,Traders are more willing to risk aversion to ship goods,12bet casino price rise shows stagflation and stabilization。

Estimated before the holiday,The market is mainly volatile,12bet casino price decline is limited。First,Kengkou 12bet casino prices continue to be strong,Support costs for the supply of goods at the port。National Day is approaching,Main production areas increase safety and environmental inspections;Superimposed on the production reduction of 12bet casino mines that have partially completed their production tasks at the end of the month、Many production suspensions,There are signs of tightening in market supply。Secondly,Long-term agreement redemption and urgent need users’ transportation to the mine is stable,Demand for civilian 12bet casino stored in northern winter is gradually released,The origin market continues to be promising;Superimposed port market prices remain high,Strong supply cost side support。Again,Approaching the fourth quarter,Macroeconomic policies frequently release favorable news,12bet casino futures rise,Demand for industrial electricity and non-electricity industries is expected to improve,The coastal 12bet casino market is worth looking forward to,12bet casino prices before the holiday continue to fluctuate in a range。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos 12bet casino Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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