12bet online betting website

12bet online betting website prices have entered a consolidation and stabilization stage before the holiday
Source: Ordos 12bet online betting website NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-09-27 09:05Viewed: 184 times

This week,The weather is getting cooler in the south,Resident cooling load drops,However, the non-electricity industry has plans to resume production,Industrial power is slowly increasing;At this time,The hydropower export capacity of the southwest hydropower province has been weakened due to meteorological drought,And some power plants still have replenishment plans during the National Day,Then the reduction in terminal 12bet online betting website consumption is not obvious。Inventory,Daily consumption of downstream power plants slowly falls,Main power plants speed up the pace of replenishment,Terminal power plant inventories increased slightly。Before the holiday,There are five or six working days left,Port 12bet online betting website prices are expected to enter a stalemate and stable stage。

The scorching heat in the south is fading away,Autumn has entered,East China、The temperature in southern China dropped below 30 degrees Celsius。Winter is approaching,It’s a good time for power plants to replenish their inventories,Small and medium-sized power plants are just in need of replenishment and still have stocks in stock。At the same time,Inventory is low in Northeast China,Winter storage procurement is also proceeding steadily。In addition,Although the market has low expectations for the year-on-year performance of non-electricity demand due to weak macroeconomics,But it is the traditional peak production season,its month-on-month purchasing intensity is still increasing,Thus boosting traders’ expectations of improved demand;In addition, marketable and high-quality 12bet online betting website is still in short supply in ports around the Bohai Sea,Traders’ intention to raise prices may still be relatively strong。

Terminal power plant load drops to 70%-80%,Some power plants are starting to arrange maintenance of power plant units,The existing inventory is sufficient to support power generation;Due to the obvious increase in market 12bet online betting website prices,Currently the downstream remains on the sidelines。This week,Downstream users are generally less enthusiastic about purchasing,Mostly wait and see,Limited supply of suitable goods at the port,Traders’ quotations also remain strong,There are not many transactions between buyers and sellers。Expectations for the market outlook,Downstream inventory is slowly rising,And entering the off-season,Power plant demand is average,12bet online betting website prices continue to rise and there is insufficient support,12bet online betting website prices maintain stability before the holiday。

Place of origin,The outsourcing price of large group production sites increased slightly,Boosting market sentiment in major 12bet online betting website producing areas,Some 12bet online betting website mines continue to increase prices slightly,The transaction prices of some large mines also increased slightly compared with the previous issue。But,Downstream users still mainly rely on long-term cooperation and rigid demand,Most traders remain cautious and wait-and-see,Don’t dare to hoard 12bet online betting website easily,Hurry up and ship the goods。For this round of pit 12bet online betting website price increase,Mainly due to the release of replenishment demand before the National Day,Plus the decrease in production in the production area、Rainfall and other factors work together。Sold from various mines in the production area、View inventory changes and truck queues,Does not have the conditions for a big rise,It is expected that the rising market in production areas will continue until this week,Limited increase。

This week,12bet online betting website market growth slows down,12bet online betting website price enters high consolidation stage。Although the high temperature in the south has subsided,But the rigid replenishment demand in the downstream industry still exists,The operating rate of superimposed non-electricity industries shows a seasonal increase,Makes the seller optimistic about market demand expectations。12bet online betting website stocks in domestic coastal power plants are lower than last year,Overlay National Day is coming,Making sellers continue to be optimistic about the pre-holiday market,Even if 12bet online betting website prices don’t rise,It won’t fall sharply for the time being。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos 12bet online betting website Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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