12bet online betting

Is there any hope for 12bet online betting before the holiday?
Source: Ordos Coal NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-09-29 11:32Viewed: 333 times

This week,12bet online betting in the Bohai Rim port market increased first and then stabilized。August 24 to September 23,12bet online betting in the Bohai Rim port market continue to rise slightly。Starts this Tuesday,The downstream procurement end’s acceptance of 12bet online betting is slowly increasing,Few transactions,Lack of motivation for rising 12bet online betting ;Some traders are more willing to ship goods,The market quotation is bullish,But the wait-and-see sentiment is gradually rising downstream,Suppressed the pace of rising 12bet online betting 。But for now,Short shipping volume、Problems such as the shortage of high-quality coal at ports still exist,It is difficult for the short-term market to go down。

The National Day holiday is approaching,Superimposed Daqin Line maintenance is coming,To ensure a safe holiday,Increase power plant inventory,Downstream coal-consuming enterprises are actively preparing for the holidays,Intensified procurement;But as of the beginning of this week,The phased replenishment and stocking have basically ended。Currently,Downstream transportation is still dominated by Changxie,Main power plant inventories are still at high levels。Bohai Rim port market operates smoothly,Traders’ quotations remain high and stable,But downstream inquiries are not very enthusiastic,Market transactions are deserted。Season closure for 36 hours for exercise,Poor capacity turnover,The number of anchor ships in the eight ports around the Bohai Sea was once reduced to 8。Port transfers in are much higher than transfers out,Port inventory accumulates rapidly。Noon the day before yesterday,Port coal transportation returns to normal。

This week,Quotations for high-quality coal sources in ports around the Bohai Sea remain strong,Main traders are not willing to ship at low prices yet,Downstream inquiries are still mainly about price reduction。The overall market demand performance is average,Trading is relatively deadlocked,Basically continue to wait and see。Recent,Significant rainfall and cooling in the north,The temperature in the south dropped below 30 degrees Celsius,The daily consumption of coastal power plants has dropped significantly,Purchasing enthusiasm weakens,Some traders lack confidence in the market outlook,Increased willingness to ship,Some shipments are shipped according to the downward index。

Recent,Kengkou 12bet online betting rise steadily,Coal mines that have completed their monthly tasks show signs of production suspension and reduction,Pre-holiday terminal metallurgy、The demand for chemical stocking is acceptable,The platform shipping households are actively promoting transportation,Most coal mines have a balanced production and sales,More coal trucks,The price continues to rise slightly。Under tighter security inspection、The continued inversion of shipping costs and other factors are superimposed,The cargo source collection port operates with low efficiency。High temperature weather above 30 degrees Celsius in the south has decreased,Daily consumption shows seasonal decline,The off-season characteristics of civilian electricity consumption are more obvious。The terminal has long-term cooperation and a stable supply of imported coal,There is not much pressure to replenish the library,Actual procurement demand may decline。In addition,Due to rising 12bet online betting ,Power plant acceptance is declining,Continued insufficient demand follow-up。

As the phased replenishment of power plants and non-electric terminals is coming to an end,The interest in maritime market discussions has declined,Decreasing new pallets,12bet online betting stagnate and stabilize。Downstream demand is average,Just wait and see,The price rise is slightly weak;However, structural shortages in Bohai Rim ports still exist,The price of high-quality low-sulfur supply in the market is strong,It is difficult to purchase at low prices。Before the holiday,Both upstream and downstream enter sleep state,Port 12bet online betting mainly fluctuate within a narrow range。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos Coal Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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