12bet sports betting

Analysis of 12bet sports betting price trends in the first three quarters of this year
Source: Ordos 12bet sports betting NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-09-22 08:05Viewed: 219 times

This year’s 12bet sports betting price fluctuations have been affecting the hearts of market participants。January to August this year,The trend of 12bet sports betting prices rising more than falling。Beginning of the year,The port 12bet sports betting price is 940 yuan/ton,And the end of August,The port 12bet sports betting price is 839 yuan/ton,Falled by 101 yuan/ton。September,The 12bet sports betting market is about to explode,12bet sports betting prices continue to rise,It is expected to increase by 40 yuan/ton in a single month,It may rise to 885 yuan/ton by the end of the month。

After the Spring Festival in previous years,Industrial enterprises welcome the resumption of production,Everyone can usher in a wave of rising 12bet sports betting prices。But after the Spring Festival this year,12bet sports betting prices only rose for three days,There was a straight fall。After the holiday,New real estate construction starts fell by 25-30% year-on-year;Affected by the debt transfer in 12 provinces,Resulting in the suspension of the continued construction project。At the same time,The newly added special bonds have not realized the actual workload,Cause this spring,The overall demand in the new peak season is lower than expected;Other industries,Steel industry losses,The cement industry’s profitability is sluggish,Cement shipments dropped significantly。Superimposed on the off-season for civil electricity consumption,The daily consumption of the power plant is low,Promoting the decline in port 12bet sports betting prices to expand,12bet sports betting prices dropped from post-holiday period to April 10th,The transaction price of thermal 12bet sports betting with a calorific value of 5,500 kcal fell to the lowest point this year, 817 yuan/ton。Afterwards,Inventories at Bohai Rim ports continue to decline,Superimposed downstream replenishment,Outsourcing prices of large groups rise,Power plants are driven by factors such as 12bet sports betting preparation for "peak summer",The market is showing signs of improvement in mid-April,12bet sports betting prices stop falling and rebound。Bohai Rim port 12bet sports betting price increased from 817 yuan/ton on April 10,Rising to 885 yuan/ton on May 24,A cumulative increase of 68 yuan/ton。Then enters the down mode,Falled to 847 yuan/ton on July 5。It’s hot summer,The market has advantages and disadvantages,The negative and positive factors are intertwined,Causing the dilemma of rising and falling 12bet sports betting prices,Port 12bet sports betting price fluctuates within a narrow range around 850 yuan/ton。Late summer,Driving by dual factors such as power plant replenishment and increased procurement in non-electricity industries,Bohai Rim port 12bet sports betting price rebounded from 839 yuan/ton,Continuously rising for more than a month,so far,12bet sports betting prices have increased by 30 yuan/ton;Estimated late September,12bet sports betting prices will rise by 15 yuan/ton。12bet sports betting prices rise in late summer and early autumn,It can be called "late arrival"。

This summer,As temperatures rise and hydropower margins weaken,Daily consumption climbed to the highest level in history and remains so to this day。August,Thermal power growth rate turns negative to positive,The daily consumption of power plants has climbed to a record high and has continued until this week,The daily consumption of power plants in eight coastal provinces has always remained around 2.4 million tons。This week,Affected by typhoon,The temperature in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai has dropped significantly,Dan Fujian、Southern China and other places are still hot,The daily consumption of power plants in eight coastal provinces remains at around 2.3 million tons,It is expected that the significant daily reduction in thermal 12bet sports betting consumption will have to wait until after the National Day。At the same time,Non-electrical steel、The fundamentals of building materials and cement have shown a significant recovery,The gradual increase in the demand for non-thermal 12bet sports betting will replace some of the gaps in the decline of domestic electricity;End of September to early to mid-October,Northern Power Plant’s winter replenishment is about to begin,Under this background, the subsequent decline in 12bet sports betting prices will also be very small。

In the context of global energy transition,The short-term supply of traditional energy sources in winter is still tight,Prior to this, the "Golden Nine and Silver Ten" periods tend to see an upward trend。Late August to early October,The 12bet sports betting market is about to welcome the replenishment of southern power plants,We have to prepare for the northern winter and reserve 12bet sports betting ,It coincides with the non-electricity industry’s resumption of production and preparation of materials;Therefore,This stage,The increase in demand significantly exceeds the increase in supply,Prompt 12bet sports betting prices to usher in a longer period of rising process。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos 12bet sports betting Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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