12bet sports betting

12bet sports betting prices usher in the final "crazy
Source: Ordos 12bet sports betting NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-09-24 18:49Views: 700 times

Mid of this month,The hot weather in the south keeps power consumption at a high level,Insufficient hydropower output in southwest China,The bottom line of thermal power peak,Thermal 12bet sports betting has not yet declined significantly。And some non-electricity industries prepare and purchase materials,Promote short-term release of demand,There is support for 12bet sports betting prices。Therefore,12bet sports betting prices are firm,Continue the slight upward trend。After the Mid-Autumn Festival,Although the high temperature has subsided in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai,But the high temperature in South China and Fujian still hasn’t subsided,Superimposed power plant replenishment,12bet sports betting prices still have support。

Early to mid-September,The performance of domestic "Autumn Tiger" far exceeded expectations,Coupled with the accelerated weakening of hydropower caused by the "south-to-north rain",Daily consumption of key power plants across the country increases instead of falling,Daily consumption of coastal power plants even increased by more than 15% year-on-year。Also promoted early and mid-September,The downstream terminal’s increase in long-term contract transportation and rigid purchase,However, as overall inventory levels remain mid-to-high,Deleting the database is slow,The purchasing strategy is still to lower prices、Mainly small quantity inquiries。Therefore,Early to mid-September,Port 12bet sports betting prices have not increased much,Limited upside,12bet sports betting price rose from 843 yuan/ton at the beginning of the month to 868 yuan/ton yesterday,Increased by 25 yuan/ton。

This period of time,The overall performance of the domestic 12bet sports betting market is relatively strong,There are four main factors。First,During the two periods,The terminal just needs centralized release,Bringing a big boost to the market,An increase in anchor ships at ports around the Bohai Sea。Secondly,Abnormal climate affects short-term 12bet sports betting supply and demand situation、The purchasing and selling atmosphere forms a foil,Promotes an increase in inquiries。Again,Northeast region launches winter stockpile replenishment,Traders in origin prepare winter storage in advance,Power plant 12bet sports betting preparation,High price on the cost side。Fourth,Emotions have been weak for a long time,12bet sports betting prices from late May to late August,Basically in the limit-down trend,After the inventory pressure at Bohai Rim ports dropped,Structural out of stock,Enhancing sellers’ say in pricing。

Since this year,12bet sports betting market supply is generally stable but declining,However, a large amount of imported 12bet sports betting has obvious supplementary and substitution effects,Effectively alleviates supply pressure,It also caused the price of port 12bet sports betting to rise this year but not fall as much as it did,The center of gravity continues to shift downward。Entering September,Although downstream demand has entered the seasonal decline stage,But the power plant replenishment also started,Superimposed 12bet sports betting preparation for non-electricity industry,Provide certain support for rising 12bet sports betting prices。

Currently,The market is at the end of the peak season for thermal 12bet sports betting consumption and the non-electricity terminal consumption stage,The main driving factors of thermal 12bet sports betting market demand are facing a switch。Started last weekend,Power plant daily consumption shows a decline,The power plant begins to enter the base mode;Non-electricity,In addition to the excellent performance in the chemical industry,Remaining cement、Poor demand in the steel industry。The freight volume of the Daqin Line has accelerated in recent days,Bohai Rim ports enter barrier mode;Superposition power plant replenishment is nearing completion,Demand may gradually weaken。This week,The increase in port 12bet sports betting prices is expected to narrow,And stabilize before the end of the month。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos 12bet sports betting Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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