12bet sports betting

12bet sports betting price increase will expand next week
Source: Ordos 12bet sports betting NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-09-09 09:05Viewed: 304 times

Tuesday,The origin releases the new outsourced 12bet sports betting price,Although the basic price remains the same as the previous period。However, the volume-price linkage reward policy continues to be adjusted,The various reward standards have been raised again by 4 yuan/ton based on the previous period。Bohai Rim ports,The situation did not improve in the early stage,Port inventories are still falling,Structural shortage problem still exists。At the same time,Downstream demand has not completely improved,Harder price reduction,Difficulty in transaction。Overall,Supply source structure problem,Insufficient effective demand in the demand-side market,Resulting in a situation of weak supply and demand in the port market,12bet sports betting prices remain at a stalemate。This week,Port 12bet sports betting prices stabilize first and then rise,Each type of 12bet sports betting increased by 2-5 yuan/ton。Next week,Affected by the increase in power plant replenishment,12bet sports betting price increase will expand,Expected to increase by 5-10 yuan/ton。

First half of this week,12bet sports betting price rise is weak,A stalemate,The market has a strong wait-and-see sentiment;Superimposing Changxie 12bet sports betting and imported 12bet sports betting has better replenishment effect,The power plant inventory gap has not been opened。The overall purchasing willingness of the downstream non-electricity industry is sluggish,Real estate infrastructure consumption expected to be average,The coastal market returns to depression and deserted situation again,New pallets are scarce,Shipping prices fell under pressure。Due to the relatively pessimistic market expectations in the early stage,Some traders are actively shipping,Superimposed shipping upside down,Traders gather at the port to supplement limited resources,Therefore, the available spot resources continue to shrink。So far,12bet sports betting stocks in eight ports around the Bohai Sea dropped to 21.2 million tons,Although it is 1.51 million tons higher than the same period last year,But it is 3.55 million tons lower than the beginning of July。First half of this month,High temperature weather support is obvious,Daily 12bet sports betting consumption is still at a high level,Power plant inventories continue to decline。However,Since the terminal mainly consumes its own inventory,Purchase cost-effective resources in small quantities,Trading is still weak;But water and electricity are weakened,Increase of thermal power load,Some superimposed power plants receive notification from the group,Inventory needs to be replenished before two periods,Therefore,Enthusiasm for sending ships northward for procurement has resumed。Currently,Although the Bohai Rim port inventory has declined,However, 12bet sports betting inventories in the mid- and downstream links are still at a relatively high level,The impact on 12bet sports betting prices still exists,This also curbed the excessive rise in 12bet sports betting prices。September is supposed to be the traditional peak season for construction,This time in previous years,Steel、The trading activity of non-power-consuming 12bet sports betting products such as cement will increase seasonally,The purchase demand for 12bet sports betting is also expected to increase;But this year is subject to the downturn in the real estate market,Steel、Affected by factors such as falling cement prices,Macroeconomic operations continue to be under pressure,The increase in 12bet sports betting consumption in non-electricity industries is likely to be lower than the level of the same period last year,Therefore, the support for the 12bet sports betting market will also be weaker than the same period last year。

First half of September,The "Autumn Tiger" in the South continues to run rampant,Many places are still hot;But affected by typhoon,The high temperature in the coastal areas of South China may be alleviated in the future,It may have a periodic impact on the daily consumption of power plants;After the 15th of this month,The temperature in the south drops below 30 degrees Celsius,Resident cooling demand continues to weaken,The support point of market demand will be the return of civilian electricity to industrial electricity load。Need to pay attention to steel in the later stage、Cement、Demand release of 12bet sports betting -consuming products in chemical and other non-electricity industries。(This article is exclusively reported by Ordos 12bet sports betting Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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