12bet sports betting

The focus of 12bet sports betting prices may slowly increase in September
Source: Ordos 12bet sports betting NetworkAuthor: Dong YingTime: 2024-09-04 08:54Viewed: 546 times

Recent,The thermal 12bet sports betting market has experienced a series of changes,Market sentiment has improved,Inquiry demand increased month-on-month,High-quality 12bet sports betting supply continues to shrink,Market pessimism has eased。Nevertheless,Entering September,Estimated to start from mid-term,With the end of the hot weather in the south,Demand for thermal 12bet sports betting will weaken seasonally;However, the market still has expectations for the "Golden Nine and Silver Ten" peak seasons in the non-electricity industry,It is expected that the center of gravity of port 12bet sports betting prices will slowly increase in September。

The production and sales of most 12bet sports betting mines in the main producing areas have returned to normal,Partially discontinued 12bet sports betting mines have begun production,The overall 12bet sports betting supply level is gradually improving。12bet sports betting plants are less motivated to purchase,General transportation vehicles to the mine,12bet sports betting mine sales are average。It’s the beginning of the month,The actual transaction performance of the Bohai Rim thermal 12bet sports betting market is not satisfactory,Maintaining stable operation of the port market,Traders’ quotations are stable,Most market participants are waiting and watching。Downstream demand is average,Inquiries are mainly based on price reduction,Deal deadlock。However, due to the continued inversion of market 12bet sports betting shipments to the port,Traders are less enthusiastic about shipping,Continue to go to the warehouse at Bohai Rim ports,The structural shortage phenomenon in various ports is difficult to improve in the short term,Promoting the prices of some high-quality low-sulfur supplies to remain strong,Port 12bet sports betting price support is not weak。

The first seven months of this year,Electricity consumption in the whole society increased by 7% year-on-year.7%。Last months of this year,With the upgrading of industrial structure,Electricity demand will maintain rapid growth。After the "summer peak",Resumption of production and work in some non-electricity industries,Growth in manufacturing demand,It is expected to drive an increase in 12bet sports betting consumption。Demand side, The domestic economy is generally stable,Double、Accelerate the advancement of major initiatives such as the two new projects,Special debt、Accelerate the issuance of ultra-long-term government bonds,Converted into physical workload。Stable macroeconomic development supports the growth of electricity consumption,However, real estate market adjustments and energy conservation and carbon reduction actions may suppress 12bet sports betting demand in some industries。

September,12bet sports betting production in the origin is expected to continue to increase,Although the demand side is expected to improve, it is not obvious,It is difficult for the market supply and demand situation to change significantly。Considering the origin of shipment, Beigang upside down still exists,Bohai Rim ports have been destocking relatively quickly recently,Non-electricity purchases are also available;Superimposed on the autumn inspection on the Daqin Line in early October,Added the 12bet sports betting procurement demand for "peak winter",The 12bet sports betting market is expected to move upwards slowly,However, the increase in 12bet sports betting prices should not be overestimated。In the short term,12bet sports betting price drops below cost line,Traders have a strong attitude towards price support,12bet sports betting prices will rebound in stages,The center of gravity slowly increases。A few days ago,Some traders are actively stocking up on bargain hunting,And replenish the power plant’s inventory at the end of summer、Resumption of non-electrical production,And hope for winter 12bet sports betting reserves。With mid-to-late October,Daqin Line enters maintenance period,Most downstream terminals have completed phased procurement,Power plant daily consumption falls from high level,Non-electric 12bet sports betting preparation has also been completed,The market is expected to gradually weaken,12bet sports betting prices may fall into a resistive decline。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos 12bet sports betting Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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