12bet mobile app

How much can 12bet mobile app prices rise in this round?
Source: Ordos 12bet mobile app NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-08-29 09:05Viewed: 179 times

Affected by heavy rainfall,Some open-pit 12bet mobile app mines have stopped production,The production and sales of other 12bet mobile app mines remain normal。Towards the end of the month,Individual private 12bet mobile app mines have completed production tasks and begun maintenance,The overall market 12bet mobile app supply has slightly shrunk。Affected by this,The pit price of some popular 12bet mobile app types in the origin market has increased slightly。Inquiries at ports around the Bohai Sea increased,Structural shortage of high-quality supplies intensifies,After 12bet mobile app prices stabilize,Slightly rising market;But the downstream price acceptance is slowly increasing,Limited transaction。

This week,The mood of Bohai Rim ports has improved,Increasing demand for high-quality 12bet mobile app ,Some traders quoted prices 5-10 yuan/ton higher than the index;Plus shipping upside down,Higher delivery cost,Resulting in the sentiment of cargo owners to raise prices,Reduced low price quotes;But the downstream acceptance is poor,There are big differences between buyers and sellers,Difficulty in transaction。Rewards for large group outsourcing prices in the new period,Promote market improvement。The daily consumption of the terminal power plant is not low,Daily consumption shows some resilience at the end of the summer peak period,The overall level remains relatively high。Although the power plant as a whole still maintains the destocking mode,But due to the supplement of imported 12bet mobile app ,Deletion speed slows down。For this round of rising market,Traders are relatively cautious。They think,A small amount of purchases at the end of the month for rigid needs and short-fill orders will be released,Superimposed shipping costs are upside down、Shortage of 12bet mobile app in high-quality port market,Prompt sellers to raise prices,It’s hard to find goods at low prices,Price increase for individual urgent orders or 12bet mobile app in short supply,Prompts temporary improvement in 12bet mobile app prices。For the price rebound,Some traders think it will probably increase by 5-10 yuan/ton,More optimistic people think it can rise by 20-30 yuan/ton。But there are also traders who are bearish on the market,They think,Terminal demand is too poor,A small amount of rigid demand cannot support the strong rebound in 12bet mobile app prices,Probably another "Three Days of Fun";Worried about losing money after stocking up on goods,Don’t dare to participate,Stay on the sidelines on the market。

Towards the end of the month,Some 12bet mobile app mines reduce shipments after completing monthly tasks,Superimposed impacts such as mine maintenance and mining face shutdown,Production release is limited,Capacity utilization decreased。Demand,It’s nearing the end of “peak summer”,Daily consumption is about to peak and fall,The market changes to the off-season direction,Demand has returned to support industrial electricity demand,The time has come to test economic fundamentals。Overall view,Despite the "peak summer" period,Poor overall demand performance,There are few anchor ships in ports around the Bohai Sea,Market 12bet mobile app prices also show signs of inability to rise。But the shipment is upside down due to the origin,Inventories around the Bohai Sea show a slow decline in summer;As of now,The total 12bet mobile app stocks in the eight ports around the Bohai Sea decreased by 2.43 million tons compared with the beginning of July。With the decline of 12bet mobile app stocks in ports around the Bohai Sea,Reduced supply of goods available in the market,The price difference between quotations and transactions between high and low sulfur 12bet mobile app types is gradually widening,The structural shortage of high-quality supply in the market reappears,Traders’ resistance becomes stronger。In the context of structural shortage of high-quality 12bet mobile app sources,As the power plant replenishes its inventory,The arrival of the traditional non-electricity peak season "Golden Nine and Silver Ten",12bet mobile app prices are about to start a new round of recovery from falling。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos 12bet mobile app Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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