12bet online betting website

Index rises by 10 yuan/ton for delivery This week, 12bet online betting website prices remain in rising mode
Source: Ordos 12bet online betting website NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-08-28 09:20Views: 769 times

After autumn,The temperature in the northern region has dropped,Resident electricity demand weakens;But the high temperature in the south has not "snapped",Autumn tiger arrives as scheduled,Although the daily consumption of coastal power plants is not as good as the peak level,But it is still at a high level of 2.42 million tons,The number of days available for inventory and 12bet online betting website storage is at a low level year-on-year。The high temperature weather of 27-36 degrees Celsius in East China will continue until early September,The high temperature in South China will continue until early September,It is expected that high daily consumption will continue for some time。Towards the end of the month,Small quantity release for rigid needs and short-fill orders,Superimposed shipping costs continue to rise、There is a shortage of high-quality 12bet online betting website in the port market,Prompting traders to raise prices,It’s hard to find goods at low prices,Some urgent orders or 12bet online betting website types in short supply are forced to increase the index by 10 yuan/ton and the transaction is completed;This week,It is natural that 12bet online betting website prices will rise。

Due to high daily consumption in the early stage,Part of the coast、Inventories of power plants along the Yangtze River dropped sharply,There are demands to increase the calorific value of 12bet online betting website and improve the structure of 12bet online betting website types;But because the market has been declining in the early stage,Most power plants are waiting for 12bet online betting website prices to hit bottom。Last weekend,After 12bet online betting website prices stopped falling and stabilized,Some small and medium-sized power plants release a small amount of transportation demand,And give priority to imported 12bet online betting website and Jiangnan 12bet online betting website as supplement,Prompted Jiangnei 12bet online betting website prices to take the lead in stopping falling and rising;Some major power plants have also begun to go north for bidding and procurement,Increased enthusiasm for sending ships to pull 12bet online betting website from Beigang,The number of anchor ships at anchors in ports around the Bohai Sea jumped to 82,8 more ships than last week。An autumn rain and a cold,The hot summer is coming to an end,Wait until the civil electricity load drops in mid-September,Industrial electricity cannot successfully pass the "baton",Can the electrical load continue to be boosted,Can the 12bet online betting website market get better?,Need to pay attention to the "Golden Nine and Silver Ten" period,Building materials、Metallurgy、The marginal recovery of operating rates in chemical and other non-electricity industries and whether hydropower output will decrease。

Transfer aspect,Continuous rainfall in the main producing areas,Railway shipments are affected,The 12bet online betting website trucks entering the port are mainly Changxie;Inverted due to cost、Reasons for generally bearish market sentiment,The trader’s shipment quantity is not large,With the addition of transfer, it’s okay,Prompt the Bohai Rim port inventory to stabilize at around 22 million tons,Less than 1 million tons higher than the same period last year。Towards the end of the month,Power plant short filling order purchase release,Superimposed on the increasing demand for 12bet online betting website in the chemical industry,Some cement plants have purchasing needs,Increased market inquiries。

This week,"Summer at the Peak" is coming to an end,The daily consumption of power plants begins to weaken;But the market is not pessimistic,Because it is the traditional late summer power plant replenishment,And the time node for winter storage in Northeast China,Promote the slow improvement of the domestic 12bet online betting website market,12bet online betting website prices stop falling and recover。But due to limited increase in domestic 12bet online betting website demand,And imported 12bet online betting website is still at a high level and other factors are restricting,It is expected that this round of 12bet online betting website price increases will be limited。September,How much can 12bet online betting website prices rise,How long does the rise last,Need to pay attention to downstream power plant replenishment and non-power industry procurement。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos 12bet online betting website Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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