12bet online betting

Marine freight rates are the first to rebound. When will 12bet online betting prices strengthen?
Source: Ordos 12bet online betting NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-08-09 16:47Views: 926 times

12bet online betting mines that had suspended production due to completion of production capacity at the beginning of the month have resumed normal production and sales,Environmental protection inspection and rainfall impact in some areas,Open pit 12bet online betting mines affected。Downstream mainly focuses on rigid demand,Market 12bet online betting shipment is upside down,Traders on the platform are not very enthusiastic about purchasing,Most 12bet online betting mines have stable production and sales,Origin prices are mainly stable and fluctuate within a narrow range。At the same time,The shipping market is showing signs of improvement,Qinhuangdao to Guangzhou、The 12bet online betting freight index for routes such as Qinhuangdao to Shanghai has increased slightly。

Currently,The terminal power plant load is basically at a high level of 70%-90%,Most power plant inventories are high,With the support of the long-term association,The market demand for 12bet online betting is average。A small number of power plants are bidding to purchase some medium and high-calorie market 12bet online betting ,Used to adjust inventory structure。In addition,Non-electricity companies have meager profits,Purchasing demand remains quiet。This week,Downstream customers continue to wait and see,Poor inquiry for price,The price for receiving a small quantity of goods that are just needed is low,The market remains stalemate,Few transactions。The cost of 12bet online betting in the market is generally high,Traders’ quotations are strong,But downstream terminals have lowered their prices and made counteroffers,Little purchasing demand。On the one hand,Under the effective supply of Changchang Association and imported 12bet online betting ,Most power plant inventories remain stable at relatively high levels,The urgency of replenishment is gradually alleviated。On the other hand,Market 12bet online betting prices remain high,Terminal wait-and-see mood still exists;And imported 12bet online betting still has a price advantage,It also makes end users less willing to send ships northward for procurement,Less release of transportation demand。Because the inventories of Bohai Rim ports and terminal power plants are still high,And hydropower and new energy power generation continues to increase、Imported 12bet online betting still has a price advantage,It is difficult for downstream users to have a significant increase in their enthusiasm for purchasing northward,Most of them maintain the long-term association and just need transportation;The average daily number of anchorage ships in the eight ports around the Bohai Sea is 73,Still at historically low levels。

Continuous heavy rain,Affect the Daqin Line、Zhangtang Line Shipping,However, the transfer level of Bohai Rim ports is also at a low level,Port inventory is relatively stable。This week,Bohai Rim port market demand continues to be weak,Trading activity is not high,The center of gravity of the transaction price has stabilized at around 855 yuan/ton。Currently,Market participants have different views on the market outlook,Some traders believe that ports and terminal inventories are still high,Hydropower and new energy are good,Weak demand from power plants,And the high temperature is about to pass,The market has limited support for prices,We must hurry up and ship goods。Some traders also stated,High daily consumption can still be maintained,Market shipment is upside down,The port spot cost is higher;Superimposed late summer and autumn,12bet online betting preparation for non-electricity industry,Market demand is not pessimistic,Therefore,Actively support the price。

This week,The temperature remains high in many places in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River,The daily consumption of power plants remains relatively high;But in the case of high daily consumption,The supply side is not weak either,A large influx of imported 12bet online betting ,Power plant replenishes inventory in a timely manner,This round of warming requires comprehensive judgment on the effect of power plant destocking。After the Beginning of Autumn,The weather is getting cooler,Electricity demand will gradually decrease。But after the high temperature passes,We will usher in the traditional 12bet online betting preparation period。Can the market improve as expected after the Beginning of Autumn,Can 12bet online betting prices rise?,Depends on the replenishment of power plants and 12bet online betting preparation in non-power industries。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos 12bet online betting Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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