12bet online betting

12bet online betting price will climb to around 860 yuan/ton at the end of the month
Source: Ordos 12bet online betting NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-07-25 09:25Viewed: 341 times

The market in the main production areas is running smoothly,Most 12bet online betting mines ship under long-term cooperative contracts,12bet online betting washing plant and station sales are mainly based on long-term cooperation and early contract delivery,The market is on the sidelines,The overall demand is not strong,Most 12bet online betting mines and 12bet online betting plants have no inventory pressure yet,12bet online betting prices are relatively stable。Poor procurement sustainability at Bohai Rim ports,But the adjustment is low,Accelerate the removal of port inventory。This week,Traders are less willing to ship at low prices,Downstream has limited acceptance of high prices,The actual market transactions are average。But as the temperature continues to rise,The expectation of “peak summer” is still there,12bet online betting prices still have room to rise in the future。

The positive factors are as follows: first,12bet online betting supply release is general。After the important meeting,Although supply is expected to increase,But due to poor demand,Superimposed northern rainfall,Enhancing flood control in mines;The end of the month is approaching,The number of 12bet online betting mines that have completed production tasks and stopped production has increased,The release of 12bet online betting mine output is restricted。Secondly,Traders actively raise prices。Recent,12bet online betting prices fall slowly,Falled below the trader’s cost line,High temperature expectations have yet to be fulfilled,Traders are highly motivated to raise prices,Reluctant to ship at low prices,The terminal’s acceptance of 12bet online betting prices is gradually increasing。Again,The power plant has 12bet online betting type and structure requirements。Recent,In the case of high daily consumption,Part of the high-calorie 12bet online betting at the power plant site has been consumed,Superimposed inventory decline。Some power plants have needs to replenish their inventory and optimize their inventory structure,Will increase purchases。

Bad market news: first,Hydropower continues to rise。The rain this year is higher than in previous years,Three Gorges and other hydropower stations are at full capacity,Continuous suppression of thermal power load。Secondly,It will take some time to get the terminal to the warehouse。Daily consumption of downstream power plants increases,But the supplement is timely,High midstream and downstream 12bet online betting inventories。Late,Typhoons successively land in the southeastern coastal areas,It will temporarily extinguish the benefits of high temperature,The daily consumption of power plants may decrease,Deleting the library becomes slow。Again,Important meeting to comprehensively deepen reforms,But it is more about the reform of mechanisms and systems,Concrete implementation will take time。The current 12bet online betting demand mainly depends on high temperature,Once the high temperature subsides,Market trends are unpredictable。Fourth,Imported 12bet online betting remains high。Imported 12bet online betting has increased significantly this year,Brings strong supplement to the domestic market。Currently,International thermal 12bet online betting prices are relatively stable,And the advantages are obvious,Some coastal power plants are starting to purchase pallets for September and October。

This week,Jiangnan、South China、High temperature continues in the Yangtze River Basin,There is a phased demand release in power plants。Traders are reluctant to sell at high prices,But limited by high inventory and high import volume,It is expected that the scale of power plant procurement will not be large,Still focusing on rigid needs,However, port 12bet online betting prices will remain within a narrow range and tend to be strong,Farewell 850 yuan/ton,Climbing up to around 860 yuan/ton。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos 12bet online betting Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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