12bet sports betting

12bet sports betting prices are rising, the increase should not be overestimated
Source: Ordos 12bet sports betting NetworkAuthor: Sun TingtingTime: 2024-05-22 08:31Views: 602 times

After the holiday,Bohai Rim port inventory rebounded slightly,Superimposed imported 12bet sports betting supplement,Downstream procurement is not active,Easing expectations of tightening market supply and demand,To hedge against the high price of 12bet sports betting from the origin and the cost of shipping to the port、Insufficient supply of low-priced goods at the port、Sellers are optimistic about the emotional support for 12bet sports betting prices from favorable factors such as the peak 12bet sports betting consumption season。Last week,12bet sports betting prices mainly fluctuate and operate stably。

After the last round of replenishment,Small and medium-sized power plants and non-electricity enterprises can basically meet the staged production preparation requirements。12bet sports betting inventory,Shipping port、Downstreams have all entered the slow database state,In particular, the inventories of power plants and two ports have increased slightly。The daily consumption of power plants has not yet increased,And the port 12bet sports betting prices, which rose too quickly after the holiday, are gradually showing signs of weakness,The willingness to wait and see for a short period of time and delay buying has increased。In addition,Thermal 12bet sports betting consumption is still in the off-season、Inventory is high year-on-year、Under the background of stable supply from Changchun Association,Main power plants are not buying into this round of price hikes driven by emotions and expectations,Not strong willingness to purchase spot goods。Relying solely on traders to stock up and replenish empty orders,It is difficult to support the market’s continued rebound,The increase in 12bet sports betting prices mainly depends on the quality of demand。In addition,It rains more in the south,And heavy rainfall is concentrated,In order to cope with the rainy weather that will follow,Hydroelectricity rises significantly,Reducing the demand for 12bet sports betting power to a certain extent。

12bet sports betting prices stabilized last week,This week,Port traders’ quotations increased slightly again,But the delivery quantity is not large。The following factors support the market,First,Active import market。The situation in the Middle East is heating up and a heat wave is sweeping across Southeast Asia、The demand for 12bet sports betting in the international market is improving,International 12bet sports betting prices and shipping costs both increased,Further pushing up the arrival cost price of imported 12bet sports betting in my country;Superimposed on the sentiment that foreign investors are still optimistic about the release of stocking demand before the peak season in the Chinese market and the rebound in domestic 12bet sports betting prices,Prompting foreign traders’ quotations to continue to rise。Secondly,Strong support from the origin market。The market unexpectedly strengthened in the second half of the off-season,Superimposed expectations for the peak season,Increased the enthusiasm of traders and platforms to stock up and receive goods。In addition,Metallurgy、Increasing demand for stocking in chemical and other non-electrical industries,The market demand in the place of origin is not weak,Superimposed on the emotional support of the large group’s outsourcing price increase,Prompt the seller to increase the price。Again,In preparation for the upcoming hot weather,Power plants in North China increase demand for replenishment;And the temperature is rising in Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas,Civil electricity consumption is gradually increasing,Increase the daily consumption of power plants。

As the daily consumption of thermal 12bet sports betting along the coast gradually enters the seasonal power generation period,The market 12bet sports betting price has an upward trend。But the main idea of ​​ensuring supply and stable price on the policy side remains unchanged;At the same time,12bet sports betting imports remain high,Clean energy sources such as hydropower have also entered a stage of rapid replacement。The upside potential for 12bet sports betting prices is expected to be relatively limited,After 12bet sports betting price exceeds 900 yuan/ton,The increase will narrow。

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