12bet casino

12bet casino prices are a bit immobile. When will the rising market start?
Source: Ordos 12bet casino NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-05-16 09:18Views: 491 times

Early Ten Days,Increased inquiries from ports、Affected by factors such as procurement recovery,Port 12bet casino prices rise;midday,With the end of phased transportation,Decrease in demand,Port 12bet casino prices stagnate and stabilize。Currently,Bohai Rim port warehouses are slow,Poor demand from downstream customers,Inquiries are limited,The overall market trading atmosphere is average,There are also some customers who are in urgent need of inquiries,Traders’ quotations remain stable。

Negative factors in the 12bet casino market: first,The inventory level of coastal power plants is not low、Under the condition that the long-term cooperative supply is stable,Power plant replenishment power is still not strong,Once 12bet casino prices rise too fast,Deliveries will decrease rapidly,Users are resistant to high-priced 12bet casino 。Secondly,Power plant inventory is too high。So far,12bet casino storage in key power plants across the country 1.04 billion tons,34.49 million tons of 12bet casino stored in power plants in eight coastal provinces,Main major power plants have 12bet casino storage available for up to about 20 days;When daily consumption is low,Main power plants have very low enthusiasm for procurement and replenishment。Again,Because many traders predict that the market will rise sharply before summer,After Labor Day,Always actively stocking up,And organize shipping,Prompted the Bohai Rim ports, especially the four ports of Caofeidian, to have a rapid recovery in inventory。

Most traders have positive expectations for the upcoming peak summer,This expectation limits the price’s correction space。Although the market is facing certain pressure,But based on judgment of future needs,Traders mostly hold back their goods and wait for the price to rise。Positive factors,First,Summer is the traditional peak season,Power plant daily consumption rises,An improvement in demand is inevitable,Power plants will increase procurement and transportation,Ensuring a safe summer,Will stock up on 12bet casino in advance。Secondly,The state launches an action plan for large-scale equipment updates and consumer goods trade-in,Focus on Steel、Colored、Petrochemical、Chemical Engineering、Building materials、Electricity、Mechanical、Aviation、Ship、Light textile、Key industries such as electronics,Vigorously promote production equipment、Energy consuming equipment、Update and technical transformation of power generation, transmission and distribution equipment,These will provide support for manufacturing investment,12bet casino demand will not be too bad。Again,Heat wave sweeps through many Asian countries,Scorching summer weather drives electricity demand soaring,Newcastle thermal 12bet casino futures prices continue to rise。In addition,Affected by the tense geopolitical situation in the Middle East,Surge in European countries’ need to ensure energy supply,India、12bet casino consumption in Southeast Asia continues to increase with economic development,Indonesia, a major overseas 12bet casino supplier、Russia、United States、South Africa’s 12bet casino exports are restricted by different factors,Promote 12bet casino price increase。It is expected that international 12bet casino prices will maintain a medium to high level and fluctuate within a narrow range in the future。

From the perspective of end-user needs,Late May to June is the key time node for 12bet casino preparation for "summer peak",Once daily consumption increases,The number of days available for 12bet casino storage in power plants will decrease rapidly,Will stimulate some urgently needed purchases。In addition, imported 12bet casino has no obvious price advantage,Power plants will moderately increase domestic 12bet casino purchases。From late May to June,Thermal 12bet casino price at port should have room to increase by 50-60 yuan/ton。

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