12bet casino

Why won’t 12bet casino prices rise sharply this round?
Source:Author:Time: 2024-04-18 08:50Views: 518 times

Market inquiries have gradually increased recently,Spot traders collectively raise prices,Some traders are even trying to raise their quotations。Limited port volume and inverted 12bet casino prices,Finally pushed up the price of thermal 12bet casino at the port;Meanwhile,With the support of downstream rigid procurement and long-term cooperative transportation,Good sales in main production areas,Basic production and sales balance;Most purchasers are from the chemical industry、Making metallurgical needs,Some 12bet casino mines slightly increase 12bet casino prices。

current,User inquiries about goods and prices have picked up slightly,Downstream demand is slightly released,Traders who have goods are increasingly willing to pay higher prices,The port’s salable resources are gradually shrinking;There are also bids posted on the terminal these days,But not many votes,Goods with high cost performance have price advantages,Downstream price pressure is still obvious。Despite rising 12bet casino quotations,But it cannot change the downturn in the market,It has not yet had an obvious effect on promoting the market。First,Under the background of off-season,Downstream power plants have sufficient inventory reserves,Superimposed long-term agreement and import guarantee,So that there are no large-scale purchasing plans。Secondly,Terminal power plants still have a bearish sentiment towards the market outlook,Mostly continue to wait and see the market trend,There are not many anchor ships in ports around the Bohai Sea。Again,Cement、Excess capacity in non-electricity industries such as metallurgy,Meager profits,The industry is not booming,Purchasing to maintain rigid needs。

This week,12bet casino prices in the Bohai Rim port market increased slightly,However, a small number of downstream inquiries are still mainly about price reduction,Buyers and sellers are in a stalemate,Actual transactions are limited,The transaction price of some high-quality 12bet casino that is just in demand has increased slightly。There are also traders who are waiting to see if the price is high,No shipment at low price。Whether it is a power plant or a non-electricity industry,Demand has not improved significantly;However, the available spot goods in the port market are tight、Shipping upside down、It is an indisputable fact that the price of imported 12bet casino has no advantage,Port 12bet casino prices may continue to rise for four to five days,12bet casino price increase will not exceed 20-30 yuan/ton。

The rise in 12bet casino prices this time is expected,First,Affected by the maintenance of the Daqin Line and the bearish market outlook,Traders don’t ship much,There are very few spot goods available for sale at Bohai Rim ports。Secondly,After imported 12bet casino went upside down,Some terminals moved north to purchase domestic 12bet casino 。Again,After 12bet casino price fell to 815 yuan/ton,Some bargain hunting and urgent needs appear,Prompted the spot prices of medium and low card prices to rise first。But the author expects this round of 12bet casino price increases to be limited,The most intuitive data is,While 12bet casino stocks at the port are declining,There are still not many anchor ships and 12bet casino ships forecast to arrive at ports around the Bohai Sea。Although Bohai Rim port traders are relatively willing to raise prices,But it’s off-season,Before demand breaks out,We can only rely on the reduction of 12bet casino stocks at ports to support 12bet casino prices,The intensity is definitely not enough。Comprehensive analysis,Although inquiries from ports around the Bohai Sea increased,But most users are taking their time and purchasing at low prices,Market demand has not shown substantial improvement。current,Low daily consumption、Weak demand,The power load of some power plants is only about 50%。The market purchasers mainly come from cement、Users in some non-electrical industries such as chemical industry,There is also the upside down from imported 12bet casino ,Passive procurement of some power terminals,Estimated this weekend,12bet casino price stagflation stabilizes。12bet casino prices fluctuate slightly next week,There is no chance of big rise or fall。

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