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U.S. 12bet mobile app production fell by 18% year-on-year from January to April 2024.5%
Source: China 12bet mobile app Economic Research AssociationAuthor:Time: 2024-06-03 10:40Views: 641 times

According to the latest "Monthly Energy Review" released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) in May 2024,May 2024) Report data display,January-April 2024,The cumulative 12bet mobile app production in the United States is 1.5.9 billion short tons (1.4.5 billion tons),Decreased by 18 compared with the same period last year.5%。

among them,U.S. 12bet mobile app production fell sharply in April,The monthly output is 3306.70,000 short tons,29 year-on-year decrease.6%,18 month-on-month decrease.6%。

The U.S. government proposes to end federal 12bet mobile app land leases in the Powder River Basin

According to recent news released by Reuters (REUTERS),The Biden administration on Thursday (May 16) proposed ending 12bet mobile app mining leases on federal lands in the Powder River Basin in Montana and Wyoming,The basin is the most productive 12bet mobile app -producing region in the United States,Ending 12bet mobile app land leases partly because 12bet mobile app emissions exacerbate climate change。

U.S. Bureau of Land Management (U.S. Two proposals from the Bureau of Land Management—BLM) in response to a 2022 federal court order,The order requires the Bureau of Land Management to analyze the climate and public health impacts of burning fossil fuels in land use plans for the region。

 BLM representation,These plans will not affect existing 12bet mobile app mining land leases,Wyoming 12bet mobile app mines to continue production until 2041,Montana mines to continue production until 2060。

The agency pointed out,12bet mobile app production in the region has fallen sharply since its peak in 2008。According to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA),2022,The 14 open-pit 12bet mobile app mines in operation in the Powder River Basin produce nearly 2% of 12bet mobile app 5.8 billion tons,Accounts for approximately 40% of total U.S. production,Well down from 4 in 2008.9.6 billion short tons,Wyoming’s production accounts for the vast majority。

Black Mountain 12bet mobile app Mine dump trucks transport 12bet mobile app and sediment outside Rock Springs, Wyoming (Source: Reuters)

Most 12bet mobile app in the Powder River Basin is used to generate electricity。EIA estimate,By 2050,As America shifts to clean energy,U.S. 12bet mobile app -fired power generation will be less than half of 2022 levels。

This decision marks a victory for environmental groups,They sued the agency,Requesting a halt to new 12bet mobile app mining land leasing in the area。

Drew Caputo, an attorney for Earthjustice, said in a statement: "Over the years,Conservation groups have been filing lawsuits,To achieve this,They believe the federal government cannot simply lease our public lands to 12bet mobile app companies,While ignoring the impact on public health。” he continued,“We are grateful that the Biden administration has shown the courage to end 12bet mobile app leasing in the Powder River Basin,And finally turning the page on this climate-destroying fuel。”

Elected officials in Wyoming and Montana are furious,Calling the proposal an attack on domestic energy resources,Will kill jobs in the 12bet mobile app industry,And cost them millions of dollars in lost revenue。

Wyoming Senator John Barrasso said,This decision will result in fewer jobs,And reduce schools in the state、Revenue required for roads and other services。"President Biden continues to wage war on Wyoming's 12bet mobile app communities and families," Barrasso said in a statement。”

Secretary of the Interior during the Trump administration、Said Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-Mont.,12bet mobile app provides reliable power to the grid,And modern mining techniques reduce 12bet mobile app ’s environmental impact。

The Biden administration’s proposed draft plan would preserve existing land leases for 12bet mobile app development,Prevent the issuance of new 12bet mobile app land leases。The draft plan will become the final plan after a 30-day publicity period。

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