As far as we know,The current CIF price of 5500 cal imported 12bet online betting from the east coast of India is CFR880-885 yuan/ton,15-20 yuan/ton lower than the domestic 12bet online betting price of the same type。The current hot weather in India continues,Coastal power plants are still making regular inquiries about medium and low-calorie imported 12bet online betting,But because domestic 12bet online betting production remains high,Plus the available days of power plant inventory remains at more than 16 days,So many Indian buyers are less enthusiastic about purchasing imported 12bet online betting,They expect prices to still have room to fall,And there is a big gap between the offer and the counteroffer,For example, Indonesian 3800 cal 12bet online betting type,The difference between the offer and the counter-offer is 6-7 USD/ton。
It’s worth noting,High temperatures in India have caused water levels in many rivers and reservoirs to drop,Consequently reducing hydroelectric power generation,May increase dependence on 12bet online betting power generation,And even if India increases domestic 12bet online betting production,But demand is still much higher than its domestic supply,So although the demand for imported 12bet online betting has been weakening for a period,But the overall level will continue to remain high。
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