12bet sports betting

As of May 10, Suifenhe Port imported 12bet sports betting 123.10,000 tons, a year-on-year increase of 81%
Source: Northeast NetAuthor:Time: 2024-05-21 09:53Viewed: 327 times

As of May 10th,A total of 123 12bet sports betting imports have been completed at Suifenhe Railway Port.10,000 tons,increased by 55 year-on-year.70,000 tons,81% increase。

Suifenhe Station regularly holds corporate symposiums,Strengthen communication with Russian Railways Grodekovo Station,Accurately grasp the time and quantity of 12bet sports betting entry,At customs、With the support of border inspection and other departments,Implementing the “replace first and then release” imported 12bet sports betting measures。

This station organizes relevant personnel to understand 12bet sports betting customs declaration at the first time、Flow direction and other related information,Promptly solve bill turnover for import and export companies and enterprises、Difficulties in on-site dressing and other operations,Ensure that 3 batches of 12bet sports betting are loaded every day,Shorten the residence time of 12bet sports betting at the port after entering the country。

At the same time,This 12bet sports betting gives full play to the advantages of 95306’s “digital port”,Actively with customs、Close cooperation between enterprises,Realizing multi-party sharing of bill information。

In addition,To further reduce transportation costs,Maximizing benefits and efficiency,Comparison of broad gauge overweight at Suifenhe 12bet sports betting ,Reasonable deployment of standard-rail vehicles,Start by increasing the static load weight of each truck,Add an electronic hook scale when changing equipment,Achieve clever loading。

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