12bet online betting

The price of imported 12bet online betting is high, but the market still has support!
Source: Today’s Think TankAuthor:Time: 2024-04-19 10:17Views: 615 times

Port traders collectively raised prices last Thursday,It has been rising for almost a week,Thermal 12bet online betting quotations were generally flat yesterday,Many people are worried that 12bet online betting prices will fall again。

According to Today’s Think Tank,The current quotation of Qingang 5500 is around 830,The quotation of Qingang 5000 is around 730,The quotation of Qingang 4500 is around 635,This rising trend,Almost a cumulative increase of 20 yuan/ton。

Due to general demand,Thermal 12bet online betting quotations at the port were flat yesterday,However, imported 12bet online betting prices remain strong。According to Today’s Think Tank,The current price of 3800 kcal imported from Indonesian 12bet online betting power plants is about 535 yuan/ton,About 5 yuan/ton lower than 12bet online betting with the same calorific value in Northern Port;The bidding price of imported 4500 kcal Indonesian 12bet online betting is about 645 yuan/ton,About 10 yuan/ton higher than 12bet online betting with the same calorific value in Beigang。

12bet online betting

And these days,There are more imported 12bet online betting tenders for power plants in the eight coastal provinces,The winning bid price is also rising gradually,The winning bid prices for 3800 kcal 12bet online betting are all above 530,The high one even reported 540,This is also a strong support for the market.

Generally speaking,Spot inquiries at Bohai Rim ports have decreased in the past two days,Market trading is getting hotter,Some traders’ confidence in raising prices has declined。However,Today’s think tank thinks,As long as the price difference between imported 12bet online betting price and domestic 12bet online betting price is within 20 yuan/ton,There is still support for port 12bet online betting prices,After all, the total amount of imported 12bet online betting now accounts for 10% of the market demand,If domestic 12bet online betting has a price advantage,The terminal will still give priority to domestic port spot goods。

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