India released the latest forecast saying that the country's temperature will be hotter in the next few months than before, which not only means that the risk of water dehydration and crop output will increase, and the local 12bet sports betting use may also increase to avoid power outages. Essence
The Director of the Indian Meteorological Bureau Mulu Tingjie Mohapat said on Monday that it is expected that the heat waves in different regions of India in the second quarter of this year will last 10 to 20 days, and under normal circumstances The temperature may also be higher than the normal level.
The highest temperature in India in the second quarter usually exceeds 45 degrees Celsius, and dozens of people die every year due to heat stroke. The country will hold a general election from mid -April to early June, which means that people participating in political assembly this year may be more likely to face heat stroke threats.
Climate change makes India more vulnerable to extreme weather. This South Asian country with more than 1.4 billion people is facing more and more floods, whirlwinds, droughts and heat waves.
If India ushered in extreme high temperature in the second quarter, it will not only reduce the supply of drinking water, but also threaten summer crops such as beans and oil seeds. However, this impact on Winter wheat may be limited because many Indian Winter wheat has matured and began to harvest.
If the output of Winter Wheat in India is sufficient, it may promote the government's government to relax.
India is the second largest wheat producer in the world. The country has banned wheat exports since 2022. Due to the high inflation of Indian food, in order to increase the support rate at the time of the election, the Indian government applied export restrictions on a variety of agricultural products including rice last year to ensure domestic supply priority.
Extreme high temperature will put greater pressure on Indian Energy Corporation. It is estimated that the peak power demand of India this summer will soar to a record of 250 Gava, and it may rise further.
The Ministry of Electricity of India has required the power plant to continue to import 12bet sports betting to make up for the local supply gap. As the world's second largest 12bet sports betting consumer, India's 12bet sports betting power generation accounts for about three -quarters of its total power generation.
Data from the Ministry of Electricity of India shows that the 12bet sports betting reserves of the power plant have increased by 38%in the past year, which can be maintained for 18 days in general, but the inventory is still lower than the prescribed level.