AMrit Lal Meena, a senior official of the Ministry of 12bet casino Ministry of 12bet casino, said that India's State -owned 12bet casino Company 12bet casino India LTD. will continue to increase production to meet the growing demand and help increase inventory.
12bet casino India LTD. said on Monday that it may not be able to achieve the annual output target as of March, and lowered the output expectations of the next fiscal year. However, AMRIT LAL Meena said in an interview on Tuesday evening: "The company does not have the guidance of production." "In some mines, there may be some restrictions on places related to land or cleaning."
AMrit Lal Meena said that the 12bet casino demand in the Indian power industry is expected to increase by 6.5%in the next fiscal year to 874 million tons, which will promote the increase in production. He also said that the 12bet casino inventory of the factory was 39 million tons on February 19, and it was planned to increase the inventory to 43 million tons by the end of March.