The trading atmosphere in the Bohai Rim port market is deserted,The port faces pressure to dredge the port,Traders reported more goods,Some traders ship goods at low prices;Weak downstream demand,Serious price reduction,The price difference between offer and counter-offer is 5-10 yuan/ton,Harder to close the deal。Bohai Rim port inventory continues to build up,Some ports are facing pressure from port dredging;And the downstream demand is poor,The number of anchor ships under the anchorage is small,Poor market shipments,Price under pressure,It may continue to fall。But the current pit price is strong,Market shipment is upside down;Supported by high costs,Superimposed port inventory reduction,It is expected that the downward space of port prices will be limited,It is almost impossible to fall below the lowest point in the first half of the year (813 yuan/ton)。
Recent,Using 12bet online betting website to ensure safety in winter,Advance layout in the main production areas,Raw 12bet online betting website output continues to stabilize at a high level,And further increases are highly likely;Superimposed increase in railway transportation volume,The transfer volume of Bohai Rim ports continues to remain at a high level。In the case of weak daily consumption performance,There is almost no pressure on power plants to replenish their inventories,Large-scale centralized procurement is out of the question,The transportation to the north is mostly for the fulfillment of long-term agreements and sporadic purchases for urgent needs,Bohai Rim port transfer volume fluctuates at the median level,Still less than the transferred amount,Promote inventory to continue to rise。It is reported,Due to high inventory pressure,Some ports have begun to control the supply of market goods shipped to the port,High supply in the short term、Under low demand,There is still room for 12bet online betting website prices to fall;However, it is supported by factors such as shipping costs,It’s impossible if the decline is too big,It is expected that there will be support around the port 12bet online betting website price of 820 yuan/ton。
This week,The daily consumption of coastal power plants has not increased significantly,The high inventory situation has not eased,Superimposed port inventory continues to accumulate,The terminal is not willing to replenish the library,Only maintain rigid transportation。simultaneously,Environmental protection in winter、Use energy、Under peak shifting constraints,Some non-electricity industries such as cement have gradually started to stop production during peak hours,Demand is also scarce,There are only 17 anchor ships in the eight ports around the Bohai Sea。However,12bet online betting website prices are near the bottom,Some users began to send additional ships for transportation;The phased dredging of the port begins,Following forecast, the number of ships will also increase。
Cold air is coming,The daily consumption of the power plant has slightly increased,But going to the library is slow;Superimposed industrial economy is still in the recovery period,The pressure at the power generation end is small,The supporting role of thermal power has not yet been realized。Daily consumption of coastal power plants is lower than the same period last year,Inventory is higher than the same period in previous years;Coupled with the stable delivery of Changxie 12bet online betting website and imported 12bet online betting website,The pressure and difficulty of replenishing the library are limited,Terminals are relatively passive about purchasing market 12bet online betting website,A small amount of inquiry also significantly lowers the price。It is reported,The temperature is currently high,And the 12bet online betting website reserves in the Bohai Rim ports and the Second Port are relatively high,No large-scale procurement plan for short-term coastal power plants;simultaneously,Domestic trade 12bet online betting website prices still do not have an advantage compared to imported 12bet online betting website,The probability of significant release of terminal demand is small,Under pressure from high inventory,12bet online betting website prices will continue to fall for a while。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos 12bet online betting website Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)