12bet mobile app

Can 12bet mobile app stop falling and stabilize this week?
Source: Ordos 12bet mobile app NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-11-26 16:18Views: 265 times

Since November,Social inventory removal is slow,In addition, there are long-term agreements and stable imports,The downstream replenishment pressure and difficulty are not high,Terminals have a relatively negative attitude towards purchasing market coal,A small amount of inquiry is very obvious to lower the price,12bet mobile app at Bohai Rim ports continue to fall。

In the past month,Efficient supply from main production areas and railway bureaus、Shipping,The transfer volume of Bohai Rim ports remains at a high level。The increase in downstream daily consumption is limited,Available stock is still high,Terminal purchasing intention is negative;Superimposed severe weather caused some ports to be closed,Port transfer volume is still at the mid-range level,The overall amount is less than the transferred amount,Port inventories continue to rise,Refresh this year’s 12bet mobile app storage high,And it is already higher than the inventory in the same period last year。Qin Port inventory, known as the "12bet mobile app price vane", has risen to nearly 7 million tons,Jingtang Three Ports、12bet mobile app storage in the four ports of Caofeidian is also at a high level,Some types of 12bet mobile app can be unloaded without stacks;Under the pressure of high inventory,Downward pressure on the 12bet mobile app market continues to increase。

The cold wave gradually enters our country,The temperature in most areas dropped by 6-10 degrees Celsius from the 23rd to the 27th。around 28th,Zero degrees Celsius will press south to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River,Coal consumption demand of downstream power plants increases,Inventory consumption will also be accelerated,Terminal procurement demand may see a short-term boost。Strong cold air is coming from north to south,Regional coal consumption demand is expected to increase。Short-term cooling,It has a boosting effect on power plant load,The next wave of cooling process is already on the way,The power plant’s daily consumption will still perform well。But under high inventory constraints,The speed of downstream database deletion is slow;Superimposed on the Bohai Rim port 12bet mobile app, the overall downward trend continues,The impact of the mentality of “buying up, not buying down”,The probability of a significant release of user purchasing demand is very low。In addition,The industrial economy is still in the recovery period,Some non-electricity industries enter peak-shifting production,The pressure at the power generation end is small,The supporting role of thermal power has not yet been realized,The daily consumption of coastal power plants is difficult to continue to improve。

Towards the end of the month,Reduced production and shipment in main producing areas,12bet mobile app may stop falling and stabilize。This week,Increased inquiries,Port market sentiment has improved slightly,However, railway transportation volume continues to operate at a medium to high level,It is an indisputable fact that the destocking of ports around the Bohai Sea is slow。Although the daily consumption of power plants has increased,But the supplement is timely,Purchase quantity is limited;Port delivery,Still making counter-offers to lower prices。Currently,Market shipment pressure is still very high,But traders’ shipping costs are also high,Sellers are also resistant to significant price cuts,The price drop is expected to be limited。The terminal may just need to be supplemented,Demand slightly released,After 12bet mobile app temporarily stopped falling and stabilized,There may be a phenomenon of "happy in one day" or "happy in two days",A sharp rise in 12bet mobile app is almost impossible,Continue to observe the weather and power plants for subsequent market trends、Port destocking situation。Preliminary analysis,The bottom of coal price this winter is likely to be 810-820 yuan/ton。(This article is an exclusive report by Ordos Coal Network,Please indicate the source for reprinting,Thank you!)

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