12bet casino

High temperature of 40 degrees,But it’s hard to hide the deserted 12bet casino market,The peak season market must break through these "triple" pressures!
Source: CCTD China 12bet casino Market NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-06-18 09:59Viewed: 613 times

Although it has entered the peak 12bet casino consumption season,However, the recent thermal 12bet casino market performance has not been as good as expected,The price is stable but weak。

Looking at the main origin

Daily consumption performance in inland areas is relatively good,Overlay is still within the railway freight discount period,Therefore, the transportation of rigid demand and long-term cooperation is relatively stable,But affected by weakening market expectations,The wait-and-see sentiment in circulation continues to rise,The demand for speculative 12bet casino hoarding has significantly reduced,Kengkou trading activity continues to decline,Some 12bet casino mines with average cost performance have begun slight price reductions。According to CCTD monitoring,There has been an increase in price reduction 12bet casino mines in Yulin area since the weekend,Some 12bet casino mines have a single price reduction of 20 yuan/ton。

View 12bet casino the port

Inventory running at high level,The impact of the rising risk of spontaneous combustion and the expanding cost-effectiveness of imported 12bet casino ,Traders’ willingness to ship goods continues to increase。However,The current peak season is still expected,Superimposed shipping costs are still obviously upside down,Therefore, traders are obviously resistant to price cuts,The decline is mostly concentrated in resources with poor 12bet casino quality。As of June 17,"CCTD Bohai Rim Thermal 12bet casino Spot Reference Price" 5500K、5000K、The three specifications of 4500K closed at 877 respectively、775、About 680 yuan/ton,Daily month-on-month decrease of -1、-2、-2 yuan/ton。

Looking at this stage,Although it is too early to talk about "failed peak season",But the thermal 12bet casino market does face quite a few challenges。

The growth rate of renewable energy power generation remains 12bet casino

The squeeze on 12bet casino power is obvious

Affected by the continued increase in installed capacity and abundant water supply,Renewable energy power generation has continued to maintain rapid growth this year。The latest data from the Bureau of Statistics,May,Water and electricity above designated size、Solar power generation increased by 38% year-on-year.6%、29.1%;In the same period, 12bet casino power dropped by 4% year-on-year.3%。Judging from previous years’ data and this year’s meteorological conditions,7、It is more likely that renewable energy will continue to grow significantly in August,The squeeze on 12bet casino power will be further obvious。

The international thermal 12bet casino market is still loose

12bet casino imports continue to exceed expectations

Since this year,Affected by weak economic recovery and supply growth,The international thermal 12bet casino market is still loose,Therefore, the resources flowing to our country are still increasing。The latest data from the Bureau of Statistics,First 5 months,my country imports 12bet casino 2.0 billion tons,12 year-on-year increase.6%,43.82 million tons of 12bet casino imported in May,10 year-on-year increase.7%。Since June,Affected by sluggish terminal demand,The shipping pressure of imported 12bet casino continues to rise,Some import traders increase price reduction promotions,According to CCTD survey,Currently, most imported 12bet casino in coastal areas has a price advantage of more than 30 yuan/ton compared with domestically traded 12bet casino 。

12bet casino inventory in mid-stream and downstream links

Lack of motivation for terminal procurement

Inventories in the midstream and downstream links have remained high since the beginning of summer,CCTD data display,The current 12bet casino inventory in major ports around the Bohai Sea is 26.62 million tons,The highest level this year;And terminal inventory,Whether it is along the coast or inland,Their inventories are at an absolute high level in history。Under high inventory pressure,Some terminals even look for storage yards outside the factory to ensure the fulfillment of long-term agreements,Therefore, it is rare to purchase spot resources。

Overall view,The rise from mid-to-late April to May has reflected this summer’s consumption expectations to a certain extent,After entering 6 months,As expectations continue to weaken,Causing market sentiment to begin to rationally recover,And in the later period, with the increase of high temperature weather,Daily 12bet casino consumption will definitely increase,But in high renewable energy generation、High import volume、Under the suppression of the "three highs" of high inventory,It is not easy to achieve peak season prices。

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