12bet sports betting

240 tons of 12bet sports betting was dumped into the hopper, why is the 12bet sports betting dust"disappeared"
Source: People’s DailyAuthor:12bet sports betting : 2024-06-18 09:15Views: 525 times

Apply the "five-step dust suppression method"、Graded sewage purification,The harbor environment is cleaner;Promote new energy vehicles、Laying photovoltaic equipment,Green electricity is more widely used;Refined assessment methods、Integrating into urban greening,The concept of green development is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people...Qinhuangdao 12bet sports betting opened in 1898,Promoting green transformation in depth。

The sea breeze in June ruffles the clothes,70-year-old Zhang Yichun received an invitation to the “Citizen Open Day” event at Qinhuangdao 12bet sports betting in Hebei Province,Returned to the place where I have worked for more than 30 years。

Standing on the pier and looking out,The sky is vast and the sea is vast。In the clear blue sky,The clouds are shining white。The blue sea surface is sparkling,Seagulls fly freely,Far away,A giant ship of 10,000 tons is slowly sailing towards the 12bet sports betting 。“The sky at the 12bet sports betting is so blue and clear,It is no longer the gray look that people remembered in the early years。The 12bet sports betting area is neat and clean,Green trees dotted everywhere、Lawn、Flowers,As pleasing to the eye as a scenic spot。"Zhang Yichun was filled with emotion。

Qinhuangdao Port opened in 1898,After more than a hundred years,It has developed into an important hub port for "12bet sports betting transportation from the north to the south" and "12bet sports betting export from the west to the east"。In recent years,Hebei Port Group actively implements Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization,Promote green transformation in depth。May this year,Qinhuangdao Port Donggang District 12bet sports betting Phase III Terminal、12bet sports betting Phase IV and Expansion Terminal、12bet sports betting Phase 5 Terminal was awarded the "Five-Star" Green Port Area by the China Ports and Ports Association。How this century-old port is beautiful because of its greenery、Thriving towards green?Recently,Reporters go deep into Hong Kong,Exploring the transformation code of Qinhuangdao Port。

How to be more precise in dust removal and pollution control?

"Drink water" before unloading the 12bet sports betting truck

Wear "isolation gown" on the 12bet sports betting pile

Press the AutoStart button,In the centralized control and command center of Qingang Co., Ltd. No. 6,Unloading operator Liu Tao issues instructions to the positioning vehicle,A special train will transport 12bet sports betting to Qinhuangdao Port via Daqin Railway,Towed into the unloading machine room of Company 6。

Qinhuangdao Port is a major 12bet sports betting port,Last year’s 12bet sports betting throughput reached 1.700 million tons,Nearly 470,000 tons per day。The unloading machine room is the first stop for 12bet sports betting entering the port,This is also where the dust suppression task is the most arduous。Here,Operation by unloader,Take 3 carriages as a unit,240 tons of 12bet sports betting were dumped into the hopper,Then conveyed to the 12bet sports betting yard by belt。The reporter thought there would be smoke and dust,But found that the 12bet sports betting dust "disappeared"。

"Just like serving tea to guests from afar,When 12bet sports betting enters the computer room, it will drink water first。" Zhang Xiaojiang, deputy director of the Safety and Environmental Protection Department of Qinkang Co., Ltd. said with a smile。Original,The 12bet sports betting unloading operation adopts the "five-step dust suppression method" - automatic spraying after entering the truck、Dry fog spraying water and dust suppression、Dynamic water injection at the bottom layer、Add wetting agent、Automatic cleaning of empty car,The entire process is clean and dust-free。

The unloading machine room is connected to the outdoor space。Reporter saw,The leaves of the green plants near the computer room are green and clean,Display of environmental monitoring equipment next to the computer room,PM2.5 is 10 micrograms per cubic meter,PM10 is 22 micrograms per cubic meter,TSP (Total Suspended Particulate Matter) is 33 micrograms per cubic meter,The air quality in the 12bet sports betting area was good that day。

Leave the unloading machine room,Through the long and narrow enclosed transportation corridor,12bet sports betting will arrive at the place where it will "settlement" - the standardized storage yard in the port。12bet sports betting departure,Through the reclaimer、Transfer Tower、The ship loader is waiting to board the ship and go to sea。

“During the whole process of entering and leaving the port,We have laid a dragnet for 12bet sports betting dust。23 meters high、About 9,000 meters long dust screen,Build an environment that is less likely to raise dust;Misty mist、Wet dust removal systems such as fog cannons or sprinkler dust suppression systems operate in all seasons,Dust suppression at all times。For long-term 12bet sports betting piles,We will spray the encrustation agent,Put on an ‘isolation gown’ on the 12bet sports betting pile,No matter how strong the wind is, there will be no 12bet sports betting dust ‘dancing’。"Zhang Xiaojiang said,After governance,The amount of 12bet sports betting spilled in the whole process of Qinhuangdao Port has been reduced by more than 95% on average。

In the port area,Water control is equally important as dust control。Except equipped with sewage treatment plant,How to solve the problem of 12bet sports betting water pollution caused by mixing rainfall and 12bet sports betting into the sea,Also a big challenge。

Walking in the Donggang District 12bet sports betting Yard,A lotus pond is particularly eye-catching: pink、黄、Purple and other colorful lotus flowers stand tall and graceful,Swaying in the wind。Occasionally water birds fly by,Smart and light。

“We transformed the idle raw ore storage yard 12bet sports betting this 1,000-meter-long facility、50 meters wide water storage sedimentation tank,Total volume 70,000 cubic meters,Gradual precipitation from west to east、Overflow,A clear water lotus pond is formed on the easternmost side。Clear water can also be used for spraying dust reduction and greening irrigation,Not only solves the problem of serious water accumulation in the stockyard during the rainy season,It can also promote the reuse of water resources。" said Pang Shengnan, technician of Qingang Flow Machinery Company。

By strengthening sewage treatment,Qinhuangdao 12bet sports betting has achieved 100% recycling of rainwater and sewage、Prevent sewage from entering the sea,The coastal waters have reached Class I seawater quality for many consecutive years。

How can the 12bet sports betting area use energy more scientifically?

Electrification of terminal 12bet sports betting use

Scaling 12bet sports betting power procurement

"Woo——" as the whistle sounds from far to near,The "star train" of Qinhuangdao 12bet sports betting - New Energy No. 1 locomotive slowly drives along the track to the railway yard,The emerald green "work clothes" he is wearing are very eye-catching。“This is a high-power pure electric locomotive transformed from a diesel locomotive。" Li Lu, deputy director of the locomotive maintenance section of Qin-Gang Railway Transportation Company, said proudly。

New energy locomotive No. 1 was jointly developed by Qindang Co., Ltd. and CRRC after 10 months,Officially launched in July last year,Responsible for the 12bet sports betting carriage in Donggang District、Pumping and delivering oil vehicles and other tasks,With shorter braking distance、Speed ​​up faster、Low noise、Zero emission and other advantages。

“Old-fashioned diesel locomotives burning diesel,Need to change engine oil and antifreeze regularly。12bet sports betting rebuilt motorcycle is just like the electric car we drive every day,Just charge it,Towing capacity up to 6000 tons。"Li Lu said。

From the perspective of work efficiency,New 12bet sports betting No. 1 locomotive is even better: First, it saves money,The motorcycle uses a replaceable lithium iron phosphate power battery pack,Based on a battery life cycle of 8 years,Comprehensive cost savings of 88% during heavy truck operations,Total 14.92 million yuan;Comprehensive cost savings of 90% can be achieved during empty truck operation,Total 11.34 million yuan。The second is environmental protection,Can effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 502 tons per year,Equivalent to the exhaust emissions of 185 small cars。

In recent years,Qinhuangdao 12bet sports betting from "land、海、Hong Kong” 3 dimensions,Building a green and low-carbon energy system in an all-round way。On land,Promote the application of new energy vehicles for 12bet sports betting operations,Building a land-based green energy channel;Sea,Commissioning new energy tugs,At the same time, increase the proportion of ships receiving shore power;Minato,Continue to expand the proportion of green power procurement,Actively promote photovoltaic and other clean energy sources in Hong Kong。

Except for electrification of motorcycles、Electrized tugboat,In terms of electrification of terminal energy use,Qinhuangdao 12bet sports betting also vigorously promotes the electrification of mobile machinery。New sewage suction truck、Multifunctional dust suppression vehicle、59 new energy 12bet sports betting operation mobile machinery such as high-pressure cleaning vehicles,Accounting for 57.84%,Reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 728 tons per year。

Walking in Donggang District,The installation of photovoltaic systems is in full swing,Distributed in warehouses in the 12bet sports betting area、Machine repair shop、Roofs of waiting buildings and other buildings。"The total installed capacity is about 12 MW,Annual power generation is about 12 million kilowatt hours。" said Xu Chunyang, Director of the Technical Equipment Department of Qindang Co., Ltd.。In order to increase the proportion of clean energy use,Qin Gang Co., Ltd. is continuing to carry out large-scale green power procurement,Purchased green electricity last year 1.4.3 billion kilowatt hours,50% of total electricity consumption,Plan to purchase green electricity this year1.9.4 billion kilowatt hours。

As understood,Using shore power when the ship is in 12bet sports betting ,Is an effective way to reduce ship noise pollution,At the same time, it can also reduce the emission of atmospheric pollutants。

“We are actively carrying out the high-voltage shore power coverage improvement project in Donggang District,Now the third phase of 12bet sports betting terminal in Donggang District has been realized、12bet sports betting Phase IV and Expansion Terminal、Full coverage of high-voltage shore power in the 15 dry bulk specialized berths of the fifth 12bet sports betting terminal,And equipped with 3 sets of mobile low-voltage ship shore-based power supply systems,Improving the suitability of shore power facilities for powering various ship types;In addition,Actively promote the normal use of shore power,Implement preferential policy for shore power charging,For berthing ships with shore power connection conditions,Prioritize berthing based on actual production、Priority loading and unloading、Priority arrangement for entry and exit。"Xu Chunyang said。

How to deepen the concept of 12bet sports betting development?

Implementation of 12bet sports betting Mechanism

Intensify innovation and research and 12bet sports betting

The waves crash against the breakwater,Make a "squeaking" sound。Inside the embankment,Close to the 12bet sports betting loading and unloading terminal of No. 9 Qingang Co., Ltd.,In a pocket park called "Listening to the Waves and Viewing the Sea",Green trees and green trees,Zinnia、Peacock grass, etc. are full of vitality,Little flowers dotted with stars,Pleasant scenery。

Original,There are only a few locust trees here,There are still some spare parts piled up for terminal operations。Since May last year,In accordance with Hebei 12bet sports betting Group’s initiative of “greening” wherever possible,Nine companies began to create a seaside green micro-space,The pocket park has become a place where tourists and workers can enjoy themselves。

Revolving around green development,Hebei 12bet sports betting Group has revised its environmental protection management measures in recent years,New supervision and management chapter,Regular meeting on environmental protection、Supervision and Inspection、Periodic Report、Standardize reports on emergencies and violations,And issued the "Notice on Carrying out the Compilation of 12bet sports betting Pollutant Emission Inventory" and "Notice on Carrying out Automatic Monitoring of Large Particulate Matter in the 12bet sports betting Area",Actively promote the construction of automatic monitoring stations for large particulate matter。

“Qingang Co., Ltd. has established a complete environmental protection and energy saving assessment system,The assessment indicators are very detailed,Putting responsibility to everyone,Implement grid management。Assessment results public,Rewards and penalties will be cashed in performance pay。"Zhang Xiaojiang said。With the establishment of the assessment system,More and more employees are paying attention to environmental protection、Participate in environmental protection,Actively strive for environmental protection rewards。Last year,Wang Baoquan, then deputy director of the Safety and Environmental Protection Department of Qingang Co., Ltd. No. 6, actively participated in the improvement and rectification of the 12bet sports betting area’s environmental appearance,Unite various functional departments、The grassroots team carries out single-machine leakage management、94 improvement and transformation projects including the application of aerosol lidar technology,Received a one-time personal reward of 6,000 yuan for outstanding contribution。

One side is detailed assessment、Encouragement,The other side is to continuously increase investment in innovation and research and development。According to introduction,Hebei 12bet sports betting Group drives green development with technological innovation,The intensity of R&D investment in 2023 will be among the highest in the industry。Last 3 years,Qinhuangdao 12bet sports betting green 12bet sports betting construction investment exceeds 3.600 million yuan。

Green development,Focus on the harmony between man and nature。In recent years,Hebei 12bet sports betting Group innovates a new development model of "12bet sports betting -city integration",Integrate 12bet sports betting development into regional economic and social development。The green 12bet sports betting area eliminates the boundaries between industrial ports and cities,Beautiful environment for citizens、Visitors bring a better experience。2023,Minato PM2.5、PM10 is basically the same as the urban area,TSP and other indicators have reached the second-level air quality standard,Some points have also become citizens、A new check-in place for tourists。Among them,Qinhuangdao International Tourism 12bet sports betting located in the West 12bet sports betting District of Qinhuangdao 12bet sports betting ,Has officially passed the 4A-level scenic spot landscape quality review,Accelerating towards the creation of 5A-level scenic spots。

“Hebei 12bet sports betting Group will adhere to the concept of ‘environmental protection is the lifeline of the enterprise’,Unwaveringly pursue green ecology、The road to technological innovation,Continuously moving towards the goal of building a world-class 12bet sports betting 。”Secretary of the Party Committee of Hebei 12bet sports betting Group、Chairman Cao Ziyu said。

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