12bet sports betting

Bohai Rim thermal 12bet sports betting price index 718 yuan/ton, unchanged month-on-month
Source: Qinhuangdao 12bet sports betting NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-06-13 10:08Viewed: 401 times

This reporting period (June 5, 2024 to June 11, 2024),Bohai Rim thermal 12bet sports betting price index closed at 718 yuan/ton,Same month on month。

From the collection of transaction prices at six ports around the Bohai Sea,A total of 80 sample units were collected in this issue,The number of samples is 305。5500K calorific value (sulfur content: 0.6%-1%) is 880 12bet sports betting /ton,The comprehensive price of Changxie is 700 12bet sports betting /ton,The calculation ratio of spot and long-term contracts is 1:9。Judging from the calculation results,The prices of 24 specifications during this reporting period were all the same。

It’s the peak of summer season,The 12bet sports betting market did not appear “hot” as expected,Supply and demand sides are in a wait-and-see stalemate to open the June market,12bet sports betting prices cannot make breakthroughs,Spend the first ten days of the year with steady fluctuations,The Bohai Rim Thermal 12bet sports betting Comprehensive Price Index remains unchanged in this issue。

一、The main production area enters the safety supervision month,Production and supply are limited to a certain extent。In the context of successive safety incidents in Shanxi and Shandong and other places,Safety production in major 12bet sports betting producing areas is becoming stricter,In addition, the cost of shipping to the port is still upside down,12bet sports betting output and shipments to ports are subject to varying degrees of restrictions,The average daily transportation volume of the main 12bet sports betting transportation channels decreased slightly。Nevertheless,Bohai Rim port inventories continue to break through upwards,As of the 12th, it has increased to 26 million tons,A new high this year,The enthusiasm for downstream procurement is evident。

二、The high temperature in June is long overdue,Coastal power plant inventory breaks record。Due to abundant rain this year,The outflow of the Three Gorges Reservoir has exceeded 10,000 since mid-April,Then it continues to run at a high level,Currently, hydropower output in the second quarter is significantly better than the previous year。While the rainfall brings cooling,High temperature downstream is delayed,12bet sports betting consumption of coastal power plants runs smoothly,About 15% lower than the same period last year,This also makes the inventory backlog exceed 37 million tons,reached the highest level in nearly nine months,million tons higher than the same period last year,12bet sports betting storage can be used for more than 20 days。The combined consumption of water and electricity output is low,The enthusiasm for terminal procurement has been suppressed,Not very enthusiastic about sending ships,The empty berths at the port have not improved significantly。

Overall,Supply and demand have been in a state of mutual checks and balances for a long time,Port trading activity is not high,12bet sports betting prices have been running smoothly。See later,This balance will be broken by the belated high temperature weather,Starting from the Dragon Boat Festival holiday,Temperatures are rising across the country,Some areas reach 40 degrees,The characteristics of the summer 12bet sports betting consumption peak season will gradually appear,But high inventory downstream、Under the influence of factors such as unloading demurrage at southern ports,The recovery of enthusiasm for terminal procurement may be delayed。

Coastal shipping market,Display of the Maritime 12bet sports betting Freight Index (OCFI) released by Qinhuangdao Maritime 12bet sports betting Trading Market,This reporting period (June 5, 2024 to June 11, 2024),Coastal 12bet sports betting freight rates show a volatile adjustment trend。As of June 11, 2024,The freight index closed at 608.37 points,Up 1 compared to June 4.24 o'clock,Increase is 0.20%。

Specific to some major ship types and routes,June 11, 2024 compared to June 4, 2024,The average 12bet sports betting freight rate for ships with 50,000-60,000 tons on the Qinhuangdao to Guangzhou route is reported as 32.5 yuan/ton,Monochrome uptrend 0.2 yuan/ton;The average 12bet sports betting freight rate for ships with 40,000-50,000 tons on the Qinhuangdao to Shanghai route is reported as 19.6 yuan/ton,Monochrome decrease 0.8 yuan/ton;The average 12bet sports betting freight rate for ships with 40,000-50,000 tons on the Qinhuangdao to Jiangyin route is quoted as 20.3 yuan/ton,Monochrome down 1.3 yuan/ton。

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