12bet casino

On the first day after the holiday, many places in the north ushered in the strongest high temperatures. The highest 12bet casino in many places was nearly 40 degrees. Port inventories rose back to 26 million tons. The market is on the lookout
Source: Thermal 12bet casino TodayAuthor:Time: 2024-06-12 10:12Viewed: 259 times

Today,The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a high 12bet casino yellow warning。Today to the 13th,Many places in the north are experiencing a high 12bet casino weather event,Meteorological expert said,The northern region may encounter the strongest high 12bet casino this year。

From today,Next three days,North China、The high 12bet casino range in Huanghuai and other places is gradually expanding,Maybe close to 700,000 square kilometers,Xinjiang、Hebei、Henan、Shandong and other places,The highest 12bet casino in some areas can exceed 40℃,The local area will be close to or exceed the extreme value in June。

Comprehensive high 12bet casino calendar and weather forecast for major cities released by China Weather Network,Next three days,The highest 12bet casino in Beijing may exceed 35℃ for three consecutive days,In provincial capital cities,Shijiazhuang、Zhengzhou、Continuous high temperatures will also occur in Jinan,The highest 12bet casino in Zhengzhou on the 12th will hit 40℃。

At the same time,Xinxiang, Henan、Jiaozuo,Liaocheng, Shandong、The highest 12bet casino in Binzhou and other places may also reach or exceed 40℃,Among them,The 12bet casino in Jiaozuo, Henan Province may reach 40℃ for three consecutive days starting tomorrow,The highest 12bet casino may reach 43℃ on the 11th,Potential to hit local June highest 12bet casino record。

Experts say,This round of high 12bet casino has a wide range、Strong strength、Long duration feature,Estimated to start on the 14th,As the cold air moves south,The high 12bet casino weather in the above areas will gradually weaken and subside。

At the same time,Recently,Increased precipitation in Jiangnan area,The rainy season has arrived,Zhejiang Meteorological Bureau announced on June 9 that the province has officially entered the plum season,Other surrounding provinces will also enter Meizhou in the future。Continuous rainfall will inevitably lead to an increase in water flow from rivers, lakes and reservoirs,Promote hydropower output。

First day after the holiday,The port market is mostly on the sidelines,Most sellers are raising prices,The buyer continues to stand still,12bet casino prices continue to remain unchanged from last week。Inventory,Inventories in the four northern ports rose to more than 26 million tons today,An increase of 500,000 tons compared with before the holiday。Place of origin,Non-electrical 12bet casino purchase and shipment are smooth,Overall, the price of 12bet casino in the production area is relatively stable,The rise and fall adjustments are adjusted normally according to the 12bet casino mine hauling conditions。

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