12bet online betting website

12bet online betting website production in May 2024 1532.710,000 tons,YoY increase of 5.05%
Source: International Energy NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-06-11 10:10Viewed: 317 times

International Energy Network learned,June 5,Shaanxi 12bet online betting website Industry releases main operating data announcement for May 2024。

Announcement,The company’s 12bet online betting website output in May 2024 1,532.710,000 tons,YoY increase of 5.05%;1-5 cumulative output 7,128.180,000 tons,YoY growth 2.32%;

Self-produced 12bet online betting website sales volume 1,520.million tons,YoY increase of 5.08;1-5 cumulative output 7,055.million tons,YoY growth 2.08%。

12bet online betting website

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