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Inner Mongolia: All large and medium-sized mines with licenses in production will meet the 12bet online betting website standard by the end of 2030
Source: International Energy NetworkAuthor:Time: 2024-04-28 11:08Views: 496 times

International Energy Network learned,April 25,Inner Mongolia issued the "Notice on Continuously Promoting the Construction of Green Mines" stating,By the end of 2028,The working mechanism of 12bet online betting website construction is more perfect,80% of those with certificates currently in productionThe above large and medium-sized mines must meet the 12bet online betting website standards。By the end of 2030,All large and medium-sized mines with licenses in production must meet 12bet online betting website standards,Mines that do not meet green mining standards will gradually withdraw from the market in accordance with the law;Small-scale mines with certificates in production and production mines with remaining reserves that can be mined for less than 3 years should meet the basic requirements for green mining,Construction and production management shall be carried out in accordance with the binding indicator requirements in the autonomous region’s 12bet online betting website construction evaluation indicators,Focus on mine land reclamation and ecological restoration and mine waste gas、Wastewater、Work to meet emission standards for waste residue, dust and other pollutants。

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The original text is as follows:

Notice of the General Office of the People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on continuing to promote the construction of 12bet online betting website mines

Administrative Offices of All Leagues、Municipal People's Government,Relevant committees of the autonomous region、DO、Hall、Bureau:

In order to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization,Comprehensively promote the construction of important ecological security barriers in northern my country,Adhere to the main line of work of building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation,Exploring new paths for transformation and development in resource-based regions,By building government leadership、Department linkage、Enterprise main builder、Green mining development mechanism under social supervision,Accelerate the promotion of high-quality development of mining industry,According to the "Regulations of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on the Promotion of Construction of Important Ecological Security Barriers in Northern my country"、"Regulations on Geological Environmental Protection of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region",With the consent of the People’s Government of the Autonomous Region,We are hereby notifying you of the following matters regarding the continued promotion of 12bet online betting website construction in the region。

1. Clarify the mission and objectives of 12bet online betting website construction

By the end of 2028,The working mechanism of 12bet online betting website construction is more perfect,More than 80% of large and medium-sized mines in production with certificates must meet 12bet online betting website standards。By the end of 2030,All large and medium-sized mines with licenses in production must meet 12bet online betting website standards,Mines that do not meet green mining standards will gradually withdraw from the market in accordance with the law;Small-scale mines with certificates in production and production mines with remaining reserves that can be mined for less than 3 years should meet the basic requirements for green mining,Construction and production management shall be carried out in accordance with the binding indicator requirements in the autonomous region’s 12bet online betting website construction evaluation indicators,Focus on mine land reclamation and ecological restoration and mine waste gas、Wastewater、Work to meet emission standards for waste residue, dust and other pollutants。

2. Vigorously promote the construction of 12bet online betting website mines

(1) Establish and improve green mining industry standards and evaluation indicators。Based on the actual situation of the autonomous region,Comprehensive consideration of location conditions、Mineral Type、Scale、Mining methods and other factors,Develop industry standards and evaluation indicators for 12bet online betting website construction in the autonomous region (see attachment 1 for details);For sand, gravel and soil mines,Develop green mining industry standards and evaluation indicators suitable for its actual production。Encourage each league city to combine its own geographical environment、Climate、Resource endowment and other conditions,The preparation is more in line with the actual situation of the region、A highly practical 12bet online betting website evaluation index。

(2) Formulating annual goals and tasks for 12bet online betting website construction。Administrative Offices of All Leagues、The Municipal People’s Government should combine regional natural geography、Mineral Type、Actual conditions such as mining scale,Scientifically and rationally research and formulate goals and tasks for 12bet online betting website construction in the region,Sign a contract with the mining rights owner in accordance with the contract management system,Clear 12bet online betting website construction tasks、Progress、Time limit、Requirements and liability for breach of contract,Promote large and medium-sized new construction、Production mine (license is legal and valid、Normal production within 1 year before assessment) Continue to carry out 12bet online betting website construction。For large and medium-sized sand, gravel and soil mines,Building green mines suitable for actual mining production;For small mines,Should comply with 12bet online betting website standard requirements in key areas。

(3) Strict 12bet online betting website application and selection process。Mining enterprises have completed self-evaluation of 12bet online betting website construction tasks and met standard requirements,A self-assessment report should be submitted to the county-level Natural Resources Bureau where the mine is located to declare a 12bet online betting website ,County-level Natural Resources Bureau in conjunction with Ecological Environment、Relevant competent departments such as forestry and grassland conduct joint preliminary review of 12bet online betting website application materials based on daily supervision and control,Passed the preliminary review,Report to the Natural Resources Bureau of League City with the approval of the people's government at the same level。The Natural Resources Bureau of Meng City, together with relevant authorities, entrusts a third-party assessment agency to conduct on-site assessment,For those that pass the assessment, we must jointly carry out assessment results verification and on-site verification、Public Notice,There are no problems in the on-site verification and there are no objections to the announcement,Submit to the Autonomous Region 12bet online betting website Construction Coordination Mechanism Office (located in the Autonomous Region Natural Resources Department) with the consent of the people's government at the same level。The Autonomous Region 12bet online betting website Construction Coordination Mechanism Office organizes relevant competent departments to conduct data verification and conduct on-site spot checks on a proportional basis,After passing the random inspection, it will be included in the 12bet online betting website directory management and announced to the public。The mines included in the 12bet online betting website directory are subject to dynamic management,For situations stipulated in the "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 12bet online betting website Application Assessment and Selection Workflow" (see Appendix 2 for details),Take annotation、Deadline rectification、Remove the directory and other measures to deal with it in a timely manner。

(4) Strengthening third-party evaluation management。The Natural Resources Bureau of Meng City will work with relevant authorities to determine a third-party assessment agency in the form of government purchase of services,Follow "Who commissioned、The principle of “who is responsible”,Strict management of third-party evaluation agencies in accordance with relevant regulations。Third-party evaluation agencies must carry out evaluation work in strict accordance with work requirements。It was found that third-party evaluation agencies and evaluators transferred or outsourced the evaluation work they were undertaking、Leaking mining company secrets、Collude with enterprises to commit fraud、Severely inaccurate evaluation conclusions and other violations,Notify and no longer rely on its 12bet online betting website assessment services。

(5) Compact the main responsibilities of mining enterprises in building green mines。Mining enterprises must comply with national regulations、Autonomous Region 12bet online betting website Construction Standards,In the process of mineral resource development,Execute mineral resource development and utilization、Preliminary design、Mining area ecological restoration、Ecological environment protection、Soil and water conservation、Vegetation restoration、Design of safe production and other solutions,Control the disturbance of the mining area and surrounding ecological environment within a controllable range,Building environmental ecology in mining areas、Scientific mining methods、Efficient resource utilization、Green mines with standardized corporate management and harmonious mining communities。

(6) Select and recommend national 12bet online betting website mines。National-level 12bet online betting website mines are recommended from autonomous region-level 12bet online betting website mines,Priority is given to recommending mines that are leading in the development and utilization of mineral resources、Mines that develop and use the technical processes and equipment in the "Catalogue of Advanced Applicable Technologies for Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization of Mineral Resources",As well as promoting comprehensive conservation of mineral resources、Mines that contribute significantly to efficient utilization and ecological restoration shall apply for national 12bet online betting website mines,The selection work is organized and carried out in accordance with the relevant documents of the Ministry of Natural Resources。

(7) Increase policy support。Projects for green mines or services for 12bet online betting website construction,In the configuration of land use plan indicators,Full guarantee with reference to major projects in the autonomous region。The construction land quota that allows green mines to be vacated is used for the same type of agricultural land occupied by the same legal person enterprise for new mining activities within the autonomous region;On the basis of satisfying self-use,Priority supports the implementation of cross-county transactions for surplus land quotas。For national green mines、Adopting advanced mining, dressing and smelting technology mines and leading mines in the development and utilization of mineral resources,Comply with the "Opinions of the Ministry of Natural Resources on Several Matters Concerning Deepening the Reform of Mineral Resources Management" (Natural Resources Regulations [2023] No. 6),Peripherals can be obtained through agreement first、sporadic resource exploration rights and mining rights。Processing national 12bet online betting website 、Review of development and utilization plans for mines that adopt advanced mining, dressing and smelting technology and lead the development and utilization of mineral resources、Reserves review and filing matters,Can be accepted for review。Within the scope of "High-tech Fields Supported by the State",An enterprise that continues to conduct research and development of 12bet online betting website construction technology and transform its results,Meet the conditions for tax incentives for high-tech enterprises,Enterprise income tax can be levied at a reduced rate of 15% in accordance with the law。

3. Strengthen the organizational leadership of 12bet online betting website construction

(1) Strengthening organizational leadership。The Department of Natural Resources of the Autonomous Region takes the lead in establishing a coordination mechanism for 12bet online betting website construction in the Autonomous Region,Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission、Department of Industry and Information Technology、Department of Finance、Department of Ecology and Environment、Water Resources Department、Department of Emergency Management (Mining Safety Supervision Bureau)、Market Supervision Bureau、Government Services and Data Authority、Energy Bureau、Forestry and Grassland Bureau and Inner Mongolia Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision Administration、13 departments and units of Inner Mongolia Taxation Bureau participated,Responsible for reviewing the autonomous region’s 12bet online betting website support policy、Management Measures for 12bet online betting website Verification Expert Database and Annual Work Goals for Green Mines、List moved in、Removal and other major matters and major issues。The coordination mechanism office is located in the Natural Resources Department of the Autonomous Region,Responsible for taking the lead in organizing and convening coordination work meetings,Organize relevant member units to carry out verification of 12bet online betting website application materials、On-site inspection、Daily management of 12bet online betting website directory、Daily work such as publishing announcements。

(2) Strengthen supervision and management。According to "who approves、Who is responsible”、"Who is in charge、The principle of “who regulates”,Autonomous Region、League City、Flag County (City、District) shall be responsible for their respective functions and responsibilities (see attachment 3 for details),Supervise and guide the construction of 12bet online betting website mines,Work together to complete the preliminary review of 12bet online betting website mines、Review and Assessment、Verification and daily dynamic supervision work,Report relevant information in a timely manner。

(3) Strengthening assessment management。People's Government at or above the banner and county level、Relevant departments should increase supervision,For large companies that have not yet launched green mines、Medium-sized production mine,Urge to carry out 12bet online betting website construction as soon as possible;Strengthen the supervision and management of existing green mines,Conduct a comprehensive review in strict accordance with the new standards and evaluation indicators,Do a good job in linking the old and new standards and evaluation indicators for green mines,Deadline rectification of existing problems,Failed to complete rectification within the prescribed time limit,The Kemeng City Natural Resources Bureau will review and confirm with the relevant authorities and apply to be removed from the 12bet online betting website list。Those that have been removed from the 12bet online betting website list if problems were found during previous supervision and inspections,The Natural Resources Bureau of Meng City will work with relevant authorities to verify existing problems,After it is determined that the rectification has been completed and verified against the new standards and evaluation indicators,Re-apply for inclusion in the 12bet online betting website directory management。The natural resource authorities and relevant authorities will conscientiously implement the “Double Randomization”、A public” request,Carry out random inspections of green mines in the library on a proportional basis every year。12bet online betting website construction work is included in the annual assessment and evaluation system of the people's government at the banner and county level and the relevant departments at the league and municipal level。

This notice shall be implemented from the date of issuance,Valid for five years。Other documents issued before the issuance of this notice are inconsistent with the provisions of this notice,Follow this notice。

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