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Announcement of the promotion of advanced and applicable mine 12bet mobile app technical equipment and the elimination of backward technical equipment
Source: National Mine 12bet mobile app Supervision BureauAuthor: Zhang Fu'eTime: 2024-04-23 10:00Views: 470 times

About the promotion of advanced and applicable mine 12bet mobile app technology and equipment

Announcement of the elimination catalog of backward technical 12bet mobile app

According to the "Measures for the Management of the Catalog of Promotion of Advanced Applicable Technical Equipment for Mine 12bet mobile app and the Elimination of Backward Technical Equipment (Trial)" (Kang'an [2022] No. 82),The State Mine 12bet mobile app Supervision Bureau organized the preparation of the "Catalogue for the Promotion of Advanced and Applicable Technical Equipment for Mine 12bet mobile app (2024)" (Attachment 1) and the "Catalogue for the Elimination of Backward Technical and Equipment for Mine 12bet mobile app (2024)" (Attachment 2),Now for public announcement。If you have any objection,Please provide written feedback during the publicity period (contact information is attached)。

Public announcement time: April 22-May 7, 2024。

Contact information: Regulations and Science and Technology Department of the National Mine 12bet mobile app Supervision Bureau,Tel: 010-64464024。



"Promotion Catalog of Advanced Applicable Technology and Equipment for Mine 12bet mobile app (2024)"


"Catalogue of Outdated Mine 12bet mobile app and Outdated Technology and Equipment (2024)"

April 22, 2024

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