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Notice from the Office of the State Council Safety Committee on learning to use the criteria 12bet sports betting
Source: Office of the State Council Security CommitteeAuthor: Zhang Fu'eTime: 2024-04-22 09:48Viewed: 573 times

About the Office of the State Council Security Committee

Notice on learning to use the criteria 12bet sports betting

Safety Committee Office [2024] No. 2

Provinces、Autonomous Region、Municipality and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Safety Production Committee,Member units of the State Council Security Committee:

Recently,The Office of the State Council Safety Committee has sorted out and summarized the hidden problems and hazards discovered during the overt and covert inspections of production safety in the first quarter,It was found that problems such as failure to promptly and accurately investigate and rectify major accident hazards are still prominent,Exposing some key business leaders、Safety production management personnel and practitioners do not have enough knowledge of the standards 12bet sports betting 、Not enough mastery、Insufficient control checks;The on-site evaluation of some social production safety service organizations and personnel is inaccurate、Insufficient identification,Unable to detect long-term major accident hazards;Some departments and law enforcement officials responsible for the supervision and management of production safety do not use the criteria 12bet sports betting as an important basis for law enforcement inspections,On-site law enforcement inspection "avoid the important and take the easy";The competent authorities in some industries do not have enough organizational learning and guidance to interpret the standards 12bet sports betting ,There is no publicity and implementation at the grassroots level;Different departments、Different experts put forward different rectification opinions or even contradictory opinions on the same unit inspection。At the same time,It also reflects that the standards 12bet sports betting in some industries need to be further improved。In order to further promote the three-year action to tackle the root causes of production safety,Further improve the quality of risk identification and rectification,Continue to promote the dynamic clearing of major accident hazards,Learn and use the standards 12bet sports betting now as follows:

一、Fully understand the importance of the criteria 12bet sports betting

The central leading comrades have repeatedly made clear demands,We must carry out precise investigation and rectification,Clear the criteria 12bet sports betting ,Effectively improve the quality of investigation and rectification。Relevant member units of the State Council Safety Committee passed an in-depth analysis of major and major production safety accidents,Regarding "unsafe behaviors of people" that can easily lead to death and injury、Complete and summarize key factors such as “unsafe conditions of objects” and “safety management deficiencies”,Formulated and revised the judgment standards or key inspection items for major accident hazards in 51 industry fields,Used to better guide production and business units to carry out self-examination and self-correction of major accident hazards、Guide relevant departments to carry out supervision, inspection and regulatory enforcement,Provides strong support to prevent and contain major accidents。Learning to use the criteria 12bet sports betting well is to promote the smooth implementation of the three-year campaign to tackle the root causes of safe production、An important guarantee for promoting the dynamic clearing of major accident hazards。Regions、All relevant departments must fully understand the importance of the criteria 12bet sports betting ,Effectively enhance the initiative in learning and application、Consciousness,Use a stronger sense of responsibility to investigate and rectify major accident hazards,Resolutely prevent and contain major accidents。

 二、Supervise and guide production and business units to learn and use the criteria 12bet sports betting

Various regions、Relevant departments should urge production and business units in various industries to learn and use the standards 12bet sports betting ,As an important measure to prevent and contain major accidents。Supervise and guide production and business units to learn and use the criteria 12bet sports betting into the accident hazard investigation and management system,The investigation and management of major accident hazards shall be reported in a timely manner to the department responsible for the supervision and management of production safety and the workers’ conference or workers’ congress。Supervise and guide the main person in charge to learn and master the criteria 12bet sports betting ,Incorporate into the unit’s production safety education and training plan and organize its implementation,Take the lead in learning。In accordance with relevant regulations,Compare the criteria 12bet sports betting ,Inspect the unit’s investigation and management of major accident hazards。Supervise and guide the person in charge and the production safety management personnel to take the initiative to study and study the criteria 12bet sports betting ,Make relevant content the focus of the unit’s production safety inspection and accident hazard investigation。Organize and carry out various forms of publicity,Pass "Notification Card"、"Poster"、"Pocket book" and other forms,Create a good atmosphere for learning and applying the criteria 12bet sports betting 。Safety production management personnel shall promptly report any major accident hazards discovered during inspections to the relevant person in charge of the unit,The relevant person in charge fails to handle it in time or the production and business unit cannot handle it on its own,Can report to the competent department responsible for safety production supervision and management,Avoid major accidents and hidden dangers of leaking pipes out of control。Supervise and guide the team and employees to integrate production links、Position characteristics such as working environment,Proficient in the criteria 12bet sports betting ,Discover major accident hazards,Should be reported immediately to the production safety management personnel or the person in charge of the unit。

三、Supervise and guide socialized service agencies in production safety to learn and use the criteria 12bet sports betting

Departments at all levels responsible for the supervision and management of production safety、The competent departments in the industry should urge the socialized service agencies of production safety to strengthen the study and training of the standards 12bet sports betting ,Combined service object、Service scope、Service content,Organize all professional and technical personnel to seriously study and master the criteria 12bet sports betting ,Guaranteed training time,Ensure training quality,As a necessary skill to carry out work。In process of service,It is necessary to promptly point out the major accident risks existing in production and business units,Propose targeted rectification measures,Guide production and business units to implement rectification requirements。Relevant departments should include the situation of socialized service agencies in production safety into their supervision and inspection content,And conduct spot checks on its technical services,There are major accident risks listed in the judgment criteria for production and business units,Undiscovered by the entrusted production safety socialization service agency,Administrative penalties should be implemented in accordance with relevant regulations。

Four、Learn and use the standards 12bet sports betting as an important means of precise law enforcement and industry management

Safety committees at all levels should organize and carry out various forms of learning and publicity activities,Invite authoritative experts in the industry、Relevant department business backbones and others give presentations,Ensure learning is in place、Promotion in place、Guidance in place,Promote relevant departments and production and business units to effectively improve the quality of risk identification and rectification,Effectively improve the strong will and ability to find and solve problems。It is necessary to unify production and business units with standards 12bet sports betting 、Safe production socialization service organization、Various inspection standards of relevant departments,Promote cooperation between relevant departments to implement joint inspections,Those that really need to be checked separately,Situations that should be communicated,Avoid different departments、Problems with conflicting rectification opinions from different experts。We need to carry out "reasoning-style" law enforcement inspections,Strengthen publicity and guidance services on standards 12bet sports betting ,Prevent generalization、Simplify、"Big Hulong" and other formalistic inspections,Disturbing normal production and operation order,Optimizing the business environment through effective law enforcement inspections。Departments at all levels responsible for the supervision and management of production safety must make learning the standards 12bet sports betting in relevant industries a required course in the training of law enforcement personnel,Pass business training、Job training、Technical Competition、Case file review and other activities,Create a strong atmosphere among the law enforcement team to learn and use the criteria 12bet sports betting ,Promote the improvement of law enforcement officers’ precise law enforcement capabilities。Carry out administrative law enforcement or supervision and inspection according to the standards 12bet sports betting ,Supervise the main person in charge of the production and business unit、The person in charge and the production safety management personnel understand the criteria 12bet sports betting ,For those who fail to take measures to eliminate major accident risks,Relevant measures should be taken and administrative penalties implemented in accordance with the law。Competent departments in various industries and fields at all levels should adopt a variety of methods,Organize relevant business staff to deeply study the standards 12bet sports betting in this industry,Continue to strengthen the supervision, management, guidance and assistance of production safety of relevant production and business units。Strengthen the combination of learning and application,Learn and apply the criteria 12bet sports betting ,As ​​an important content to guide the production safety work of production and business units,As a required item for every supervision inspection。

 五、Strengthen the publicity and interpretation of standards 12bet sports betting ,Continuously improve standard quality

Relevant member units of the State Council Safety Committee must promote the learning and use of the standards 12bet sports betting ,As an important part of the three-year action to tackle the root cause of production safety in this industry and the annual key work of production safety,Strengthen organizational leadership and overall coordination,Plan seriously、Solid progress。Should be combined with the actual situation of the industry,Interpretation of targeted formulation and revision of standards 12bet sports betting 、Inspection Guidelines and other supporting documents,Organize and carry out publicity and interpretation activities,Standardize the work process of accident hazard investigation、Improve the quality of investigation and management。It is necessary to incorporate the criteria 12bet sports betting into the safety production training program for relevant personnel organized and implemented by this department、Assessment standards and test question bank。It should be combined with the actual safety production work in this industry,Listen extensively to opinions and suggestions from all sides,Timely revise and improve the criteria 12bet sports betting ,For new questions、New risks supplement and improve standard requirements,Ensure practicality、Easy to use、It works。

Office of the State Council Security Committee

April 9, 2024

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