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Feixiang 12bet casino Hongfeng Mining Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

  • Product Category:Crushing Equipment
  • Product price:50 million yuan
  • So atPlace:Handan City, Hebei Province
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Product details

Our company’s main business 1 Fully automatic three-bin and four-bin computerized 12bet casino blender crushing and mixing 300-500 tons/hour 2 Large Crusher Type 500 300-500 tons/hour 3 Large Crusher Type 700 500-700 tons/hour, 4 12bet casino slime crusher 60-300 tons/hour Note: 12bet casino slime with a moisture content of less than 15 can be crushed 5 crusher 60-300 tons/hour 6 Mobile sorting machine Fixed sorting machine 150-200 tons/hour 7 environmentally friendly dust removal spray cannon with a height of 30-60 meters and can be operated remotely 8 12bet casino bagging machine, semi-automatic 9 loader The above equipment can be moved for work 10 car wheel washing machine, Auto flush Watch the video and add WeChat Wealth hotline: 15131018365 Manager Zhou’s WeChat account , Hongfeng Machinery has high output,Low energy consumption,Easy to maintain,Suitable for open pit mines,Platform,12bet casino plant use 。Lots of 12bet casino exchange groups

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Basic 12bet casino information

Feixiang 12bet casino Hongfeng Mining Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Contact: Manager Zhou
Tel: 15131018365
12bet casino : 15131018365
Region: Handan City, Hebei Province
Address: Feixiang 12bet casino , Handan, Hebei