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DXH12矿用便携式Intrinsically safePower 12bet online betting

  • Product Category:Other devices
  • Product price:0.68 million yuan
  • So atPlace:Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province
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Product details

DXH12矿用便携式Intrinsically safePower 12bet online betting This manual is prepared in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 9969-2008 Industrial Product Instructions for Use General Provisions。 1.Overview DXH12矿用便携式Intrinsically safePower 12bet online betting (以下简称便携式Power 12bet online betting )是一种,Containing gas or coal dust、Places where explosive gases etc. exist,Various electromechanical monitoring of operation、Broadcasting system、报警照明系统配套使用的便携式Power 12bet online betting 。该便携式Power 12bet online betting 可输出12V DC(本安)电压。可以给井下多种设备提供本安Power 12bet online betting 。 2. Working principle 便携式Power 12bet online betting 可以输入一个18V的充电电压,When the battery is fully charged,Can output a 12VDC intrinsically safe electrical signal,给其他煤矿设备提供工作Power 12bet online betting 。 3Model naming and classification 3.1 model naming: DX H 12 Rated output voltage 12V Intrinsically safe Power 12bet online betting 3.2 Category: 防爆类型:矿用Intrinsically safe Explosion-proof mark: ExibⅠMb 3.3便携式Power 12bet online betting 的配接设备和关联设备见附录A。 4.Environmental conditions 4. 1便携式Power 12bet online betting 应at下列环境条件下工作: Ambient temperature: 0~40℃ Relative humidity: ≤95% (at 25℃) Ambient atmospheric pressure: 86kPa~110kPa Underground coal mines containing explosive hazards such as gas or coal dust. 4.2 Storage temperature: -40℃~+60℃. 5.1 Main technical parameters Rated operating voltage: 12V DC; Maximum open circuit voltage: 13.8V; Discharge end voltage: 10V; Maximum discharge current: 1.2A; Charging voltage: 18V Charging current: ≤500mA; Charging time: 12h; Battery capacity: 12Ah; 5.2 intrinsically safe parameters Intrinsically safe output voltage: ≤13.8 V DC Intrinsically safe output current: ≤1.2A Maximum capacitance: 12μF; Maximum inductance: 0.1mH. 5.3 indicator light Power 12bet online betting 右侧有开关,Press the switch before use,The green indicator light under the two plugs is on,Indicates normal discharge,Can be used normally,The red lights on the two plugs are on,Indicates low battery,需要给Power 12bet online betting 充电。The red light on the third plug is on,Indicates that the battery temperature is too high,必须马上断开Power 12bet online betting 右侧开关,让Power 12bet online betting 自然降温,Check fault。The green light under the third plug is always on,Indicates that the battery is charging quickly,When the green light turns on and off,Indicates the battery is fully charged。 6. Dimensions: 150mm×220 mm×75 mm 7. Weight ≤5kg 8. How to use 用户at得到便携式Power 12bet online betting 后,Check immediately whether any parts are damaged due to transportation。然后关闭设备Power 12bet online betting ,Follow the instructions,Install to the specified place。Check whether the connection is correct before powering on,(请注意:输入直流Power 12bet online betting 的电器不要把正负极性接错,两插为Power 12bet online betting 输出端,三插为Power 12bet online betting 充电端)通电检查连接是否可靠,Check each output port,Check whether the electrical appliances connected to each output port are working properly。If it works fine,Indicates successful installation。任何情况下严禁拆解稳压Power 12bet online betting !Otherwise, our company will not provide three guarantees for quality problems caused by this action! 9. Causes and troubleshooting methods Fault phenomenon Cause of failure Troubleshooting method No voltage at the intrinsically safe output Battery is dead 给Power 12bet online betting 充电 Charging indicator light is not on 充电Power 12bet online betting 正负极接反 Check the positive and negative poles of charging Plug in the third plug and the red light will turn on Battery temperature is too high Natural cooling

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