12bet mobile app

12bet mobile app washing Food 12bet mobile app Duijiugou 12bet mobile app Mine, Zhungeer Banner, Inner Mongolia

¥258.00 Longkou, Jungar Banner, Ordos, Inner Mongolia


Wanbo Trading 15804895111

Detailed parameters

12bet mobile app index
Calorific value 550 kcal
12bet mobile app type 12bet mobile app washing
Granularity Food 12bet mobile app
Moisture 12%-16%
Ash 5%-7%
12bet mobile app index
Sulfur content Below 0.2%
Volatile content 28%-30%
Adhesion index Below 5%
Scorch special effects Below 10%
Number of votes One vote

Product details

Related information

Title 12bet mobile app type Granularity Region Calories Price Inventory Operation
Duijiugou 12bet mobile app Mine, Zhungeer Banner, Inner Mongolia 38 yuan 5500 kcal 310.00yuan -- 12bet c

Company Introduction

Duijiugou 12bet mobile app Mine, Zhungeer Banner, Inner Mongolia

Contact number: 15204806500 Address: Longkou, Jungar Banner, Ordos, Inner Mongolia

The company was established on April 19, 2016,It is a 12bet mobile app sales company with a registered capital of 5 million,Logistics integrated management company, The company's business philosophy is to win the world with integrity.