12bet mobile app

Raw 12bet mobile app Raw 12bet mobile app Liulingou 12bet mobile app Mine

¥450.00 26 kilometers away from Zhunqi Bianjia Line


Manager Wang 13834437119

Detailed parameters

12bet mobile app index
Calorific value 6000 kcal
12bet mobile app type Raw 12bet mobile app
Granularity Raw 12bet mobile app
Moisture 12%-16%
Ash 5%-7%
12bet mobile app index
Sulfur content 0.2%-0.5%
Volatile content 30%-33%
Adhesion Index Below 5%
Scorch special effects Below 10%
Number of votes Two votes

Product details

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Company Introduction

Liulingou 12bet mobile app Mine

Contact number: 18004817755 Address: 26 kilometers away from Bianjia Line, Zhun Banner

A brief introduction to Liulingou open-pit 12bet mobile app situation of Dayuan 12bet mobile app Co., Ltd., Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

The mine is located in the northwest of the Hongliangta detailed investigation area of ​​Dongsheng Coalfield,The administrative division is under the jurisdiction of Narisong Town, Jungar Banner, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region。 The geographical coordinates are: East longitude: 110°26'25"~110°29'09" North latitude: 39°26'28"~ 39°27'59 The Department of Land and Resources of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued the certificate for Liulingou 12bet mobile app Mine on July 16, 2009 Mining License,Certificate number C1500002009071120028073,Mining area 8.07km2。The scope of the mining area is delineated by 8 inflection points,Mining depth 1207~1195m。Validity period July 16, 2009 ~ July 16, 2012。Beijing China Mining Consulting Center issued the Domestic Land Resources Reserve Shenzi [2006] No. 200 document on May 31, 2006;Passed by review,And approved by the Department of Land and Resources of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Mainland Resources Reserve Zi [2006] No. 220) on the "12bet mobile app Resource Reserve Verification Report of the Hongjingta Mining Area, Liulingou 12bet mobile app Mine, Dongsheng Coalfield, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region" mineral resource reserves review and filing,The verified and estimated 6-2 resource reserves of Liulingou 12bet mobile app Mine are 45.39 million tons。The resource consumption is 2.82 million tons,Geological resource reserves 42.57 million tons。

This mine field is all suitable for open-pit mining,Now from the original 0.60Mt/a (open-pit) mine production scale expanded to 1.20Mt/a (open-pit) mine production scale。Service period is 25 years
