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Letter about publicly soliciting opinions on the "Standards for Determining Major Accident Hazards in 12bet online betting (Supplement) (Draft for Comments)"
Source: National Mine Safety Supervision BureauAuthor: Ma DongTime: 2023-07-24 10:42Viewed: 611 times

About the public solicitation of "Standards for Determining Major Accident Hazards in 12bet online betting

(Supplement) (Draft for Comments)》Letter of Opinions

To further strengthen production safety in open-pit 12bet online betting ,The State Mine Safety Supervision Bureau has supplemented and improved the standards for determining major accident hazards in open-pit 12bet online betting ,The "Standards for Determining Hidden Hazards of Major Accidents in 12bet online betting (Supplement) (Draft for Comments)" (Attachment 1)。Now soliciting opinions from the public,The deadline for feedback is July 31, 2023,Please fill in the "Comment Soliciting Form" (Attachment 2) for feedback,and send to email jcc4750@sina.com。

Contact person and phone number: Jia Hong,010-64464750。

Attachment:1.Standards for Determining Major Accident Hazards in 12bet online betting (Supplement) (Draft for Comments)

2. Comment form

Comprehensive Department of the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau

July 21, 2023

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